Interesting. I suppose if she finds something in a particular religion and doesn't become a hateful person, then cool, become Catholic. The strange part about the piece is the comment from the Catholic blogger, which sounds ridiculous and as over the top than anything I've ever heard come out of a drag queen's mouth:
Today heaven is roaring with joy.
Ok then. And then the final line in the article:
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Libresco is just switching the side she thinks the facts are on.[/font]
What kind of facts? Clearly not Imperical ones. Belief and fact are not the same thing. I'm not saying that to invite controversy, it's just that those two things essentially have opposite definitions.
TANGENT (sort of): I just want to say that I had a weird jizz nightmare the other night (and I'm not going into details, you dinks), but it's totally because of these boards and all the jizz talk.
So I guess my subconscious has just decided that it's time to think about jizz all the time. Great. Thanks, guys.