I was surprised this place still existed. Too funny.
Hate to burst your bubble little Bears fan, but J-Love is going nowhere. The only decision the Packers have is after Aaron decides if he wants to continue playing. Having 2 QBs that you like and want to keep is called a Champagne problem.
If Aaron decides he wants to keep playing, then he and the Packers will sit down and rework his deal. As Aaron said today on Pat's show, if he decides to keep playing he is willing to rework his deal.
The Packers also have the option of trading Aaron for multiple high draft picks. If that is what they feel is best for the franchise, they will do that. Again, Champagne problems.
The Packers will pick up J-Love's 5th year option by May of this year. J-Love is going nowhere.
Toodle Loo Bears fans!
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