I agree that it would matter if we were talking about a team in contention but who apart from Mike Quade thinks that describes the situation now.
My biggest problem with the Q has been his line ups. So I am going to take a look at this.
I'm taking the player in each batting spot 1-8 who has the most PAs and putting their OBP and SLG into this
Lineup Analysis
Then I'll just use the average for the 9th spot. This will tell us how many runs our line up has been worth, roughly.
*Note that Soriano has hit 6th and 7th more than any player, so I am going to use Byrd's stats of hitting 3rd(largest sample size) and put them in the 6th spot and put Soriano in the 7th spot, using his 6th spot numbers(again, larger sample size).
The Lineup of
gets us 4.145 R/G. That *102 = 423 runs. We've scored 411. That's pretty close.
Now, let's take a look using these same players, only changing the numbers to their season numbers, as opposed to by place hitting in the line up, and take a look and compare this to the best possible line up, given these 8 guys.
The best 4 line ups are as follows:
Runs per Game
4.639 Fukudome Pena Soto Ramirez Byrd Soriano Castro Pitcher Barney
4.639 Fukudome Pena Castro Ramirez Byrd Soriano Soto Pitcher Barney
4.639 Fukudome Byrd Soto Ramirez Pena Soriano Castro Pitcher Barney
4.639 Fukudome Byrd Castro Ramirez Pena Soriano Soto Pitcher Barney
4.639*102= 473 Runs. That's a difference of 62 runs. That's gotta be quite a few wins there. I would have to say that that is more than 5 wins.