hahahaha somehow I missed that reading through.. Props to you my man.. Props to you.
Jul 7, 2010 #21 beardown28 That's What She Said Donator Joined: Apr 18, 2010 Posts: 1,584 Liked Posts: 509 Location: Scranton, PA HighJump31 said: Click to expand... hahahaha somehow I missed that reading through.. Props to you my man.. Props to you.
HighJump31 said: Click to expand... hahahaha somehow I missed that reading through.. Props to you my man.. Props to you.
Jul 8, 2010 #22 GrinderBall41 Sox/B'Hawks/Bears/Purdue Joined: Jun 10, 2010 Posts: 666 Liked Posts: 166 Location: NW Indiana zack54attack said: Best part is when the guy is asking why he did it, or he shouldnt have done it. Dude straight up knows why. He's Black... a). A messed up Drug deal. b). Turf wars. c). He hit up ol boys girl. Click to expand...
zack54attack said: Best part is when the guy is asking why he did it, or he shouldnt have done it. Dude straight up knows why. He's Black... a). A messed up Drug deal. b). Turf wars. c). He hit up ol boys girl. Click to expand...