Mekela won 5k playing the Grand Game. I would have won 50k.
Derrick lost playing the Bonus Game. I would have won 10k
Michael got an exact bid to get on stage. $500 bonus for that. Lost playing the Checkout Game. I would have won another 10k.
Michael won the first Showcase Showdown.
Angelina won 25k on the bullseye game. She got it right away.
Steven won 20k playing Cliffhanger. It's one of the easiest games to win.
Laura lost on Pass The Buck. I would have won 40k.
Laura won the second showdown and 2k for getting the dollar.
Michael won the showcase which include a trip to Switzerland and a boat.
This concludes big money week. Please remember to have your whelps spayed or neutered and we'll see you next year.