Bob, what is currently happening in and around the organization comes as no surprise. Those who have been following this team from The 70’s, have seen it all before.
Its very easy for the franchise to save face and move forward with a clear conscious, make it available for the public to know what happened in 2010 surrounding the sexual abuse allegations and rectify the situation immediately instead of jumping through hoops about the subject at hand, clear out all those who could of been directly involved or indirectly involved Bowman, Macassic to start, issue a massive apology to the alledge victims and resolve this matter at all costs now(Rocky has been silent)if it’s monetary clear the settlement and move forward, the 2nd is the team logo which is getting a lot of reaction to after hundreds of indigenous children were found under residential schools throughout Canada and the years of mistreatment of natives throughout NorthAmerica come to light. There is a dark cloud hanging over this franchise right now, it can be cleared with the right Intentions and can get worse with subject of denial.