Robbie Gould dream not dead yet, 49ers showing interest in Gostkowski

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Wow, ANOTHER troll, derail and offtopic post from someone that complains about troll, derail and offtopic posts in EVERY THREAD!

It's almost like you do EXACTLY what you complain about... interesting.

This guy doesnt even read my football posts because he knows he'll be proven wrong. It's like he has 90% of my posts on ignore smh

Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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This attention is all I think dab70 comes here for. He loves it, and posts more about this than anything. If he wasn't such a bad poster, he wouldn't get the attention, and would spend far less time posting here.

I find it amusing, and it breaks the monotony of off season threads.

Hawkeye OG

Formerly Hawkeye
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Mar 1, 2015
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Many people have asked me for my thoughts on this list, so I'll share here:

5) remydat - has a complete inability to 'debate' a topic, yet insists on doing so. That said, he does make an attempt to discuss football and will personally attack people only as a last resort.
Remydat gets a little too much flak for this "remy vortex" thing. He is tenacious but whenever posters reference the "remy vortex" it is usually because they are in over their heads and literally SHOOK by their inability to effectively engage him imo.
Agreed. I never really reference the "remy vortex", because it cheapens the overall argument and, as you said, people tend to use it when remydat has them up against the ropes.
Other than Remy's horrible take on Mass Effect 3's ending, he's not that bad of a guy. A little long winded and always has to get the last word, even if it's wrong. That's what causes the vortexes. Honestly, I blame the posters that go round and round with him more than anyone.
The main issue with Remy is he gets long winded, he eventually makes a point in probably 65% of his posts, you just have to sift through 73% of the post to read the 27% that is relevant

I have never had a problem with remy. I actually think he is a good dude. Can be very well spoken, but most times it's overkill.
5) remy have no issue with despite what he thinks. He comes up with some way the fuck out there, clearly wrong shit and will defend it to a fault. Fun to fuck with at times, but can get tiresome.
Honestly, not sure why Remy is on the list. He goes hard in the paint and while it's usually overkill, he is very passionate about arguing about nothing on an online message board. Whatever. There are much worse posters on here. LIke old whiny bitches @TL1961 and @MojoRisin
4) Grimson - a purposeless CCS existence, yet is fairly inert and can joke about things.
While I agree with this at about 90%, halve of Grimson's posts are pretty epic #calledits so and posters that want to call him a troll are usually doing so because they are mad jealous of his #calledit skills while they are usually 100% wrong about everything.
CCS calledits are essentially useless, because its usually the same idiots making the same bad predictions. We don't need Grimson to point out their idiocy...they do it to themselves already.
NO COMMENT other than this guy is the WORST.
He is a known troll who takes pride in triggering beta's...he may be the only poster here who can land on the top 5 worst list and a top 5 greatest list
Not many people will invite you out for B-Dubs and beers when you need someone to talk to you. Grimson did that for me. I've always appreciated
4)Grim- Mostly just read his shit and go meh. From him, it is what it is.
What would we do without our resident long snapping expert? I wouldn't even know who Patrick Scales is without @Grimson @GrimsonIsMyLittleBitch

3) dabears70 - typically angry, typically wrong, typically spewing nonsense. Will usually make an obligatory sports reference before launching in on personal attacks or general CCS diatribes.
I wouldn't be able to give an honest opinion on this poster because he has been on my ignore list for months.
Lucky you.
I think you made a wise choice... honestly, the guy is just an abject MORON. Literal double digit IQ at best. He never has a thoughtful opinion because he can't even rub two brane cells together to form a coherent one. On a daily basis he makes a fool of himself by posting here. I guess that's better than when he goes out in public with velcro shoes and a propeller hat on his head.
I will refrain from giving an opinion on @dabears70 ...although he makes attempts at football discussion he is just to dumb to contribute and is a known fantasy football grifter. But we have known issues with each other dating back to when he threatened to choke me out. which is hilarious.

Steals money, makes threats to other posters, and genuinely gets takes a sledgehammer to the topic of a thread. I've never come across someone who so desperately tries to make it about themselves, and derails a topic faster than this chode.
DB70 should be number 1 on this, imo. I've never seen anyone bury their heads in the sand more than him regarding the Bears and mainly just Pace. I'm 100% confident if @dabears70 was given the opportunity, he would suck Pace's dick.

2) msadows - I didn't understand the 'persona' from the beginning, but it appears to have gotten worse. I've never seen anyone put less effort into the content of a post, yet at the same time constantly rail about the poor quality of CCS. His occasional attempts to talk football are littered with factual inaccuracies and mind-numbing conclusions, and they frequently end with personal attacks and ridiculously high levels of anger. Some of the dumbest football thoughts I've ever come across have been msadows postings.
Agree 100%. Especially with the anger observation. This poster is the angriest I have ever seen on any forum. I will be sending him positive vibes in hopes he doesn't let his anger issues completely consume him.
Yeah, usually it takes awhile to get to 'spaz mode', but not with msadows. Its like he has a premonition of how wrong he is, yet he posts anyways and is immediately confrontational..."Deshaun Watson is turnover prone. You don't believe me? Well fuck you!"
@msadows is DEFINITELY #1 on this list, I think putting him at #2 is literally criminal. This guy is sexist and homophobic... while not as stupid as @dabears70 , he's definitely lacking in the intellectual department. Possibly on the spectrum.
I agree with @Rory Sparrow Ms. Adows deserves to be #1 on this list, he gets emotional (especially when it is that time of the month) and thinks common knowledge posts are breaking news. Add in the fact he constantly complains about CCS but visits the site literally every day, multiple times a day.

What more can I add about this idiot. His user name should be changed to Resting Bitch Face. He's demented.
2) True X2
Quit paying attention to this guy after all he talked about was 3.7YPC

1) xer0h0ur - combines the worst qualities of the previous four posters. Complete inability to debate a topic, purposeless existence yet always angry, doesn't even bother to stay on-topic, always wrong, immediately posts personal attacks, bad language, etc. The worst.
I really don't see how someone who is so very much above it all could be "the worst." Also sending him positive vibes because he seems to have gotten super "judgy" over the last couple of years.
I agree that it has gotten worse over time. He used to be just a nameless face among the Pace fanboys, but he's changed.
Xero gets a lot of h8 on this board for his bemoaning of other posters' football thots. However, I think he at least tries to talk football. Last few years I've seen a change in personality but deep down I just think he loves the Bears and wants @everyone @here to love them just as much as he does.
He wasn't always this bad, he used to be down with the lol's, over the recent years he has touted himself as being above it all and has turned the cringe level to 10. I don't know where this new found confidence came from but I do remember him being better instead of above it all.

Like others, I'm not sure what has happened to this once fine poster. I'm glad I have him on ignore now, because I'm sure it's sad to see just how far the mighty have fallen.
1) Xero has changed. Used to be mostly mellow with an opinion agree or not. Maybe the shoe biz is getting tough. Don't judge until you have walked in another mans buy one get one 1/2 off penny loafers.
Xero is never wrong. Always right. That's what I've gathered. Never question him. He carries hundreds of dollars on him everyday.

Added to this list in dark blue


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2012
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
You know ladies, I never say anything bad about anyone here, ever. I just try to add my flavor of humor and vulgarity wherever possible. I even use some opportunities to defend others on here that are constantly getting picked on. I could care less if the "picking on" is deserved on not.

Can't we all just live in peace and either fuckin have a good time creating intelligent, creative responses, witty and/or intellectual, that stimulates one another and makes it pleasurable or humorous to come here ? Shouldn't this BE OUR FUCKIN MISSION as Fellow BEARs Fans ??

Anyways daBears70 occasionally DOES post ok football content BUT spends way too much time in a tate de tate with so many others on here that absolutely seem to hate him. I honestly don't get it, but will continue to sift thru probably like three to one posts for Kewl content because I love the BEARs.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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1) HeHateMe
2) Grimson
3) Gus
4) Gpphat
5) Bearden
6) Rory
7) Burque
8) Iueyedoc
9) Prideisbears
10) Vu

Wow. Way at the bottom of the list.

That must make me your best friend.

Have a great night buddy and I hope the Bears draft that running back the Tribune told you to like!


Jordan Sigler’s editor
Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
nobody fucks with my boy PrideIsBears. especially not a serial spammer, derailer, and fantasy football scammer.

Thanks man. No clue why he decided to attack me when all i was doing was Reading While Black


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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The list of trolls on here that derail every single thread and follow each other around.

1) HeHateMe
2) Grimson
3) Gus
4) Gpphat
5) Bearden
6) Rory
7) Burque
8) Iueyedoc
9) Prideisbears
10) Vu

This is the real list that follow each other around and ruin every single thread but the main group is the top 4. They have absolutely ruined much of the fun of CCS.
I thought you were my sworn enemy, we were even gonna meet up so you can choke me out on your basement mat... Yet you can't even add me to your chit-list. Literally zero respect for our hatred history from you. Sheesh, you can't even h8 right.



Jordan Sigler’s editor
Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
I thought you were my sworn enemy, we were even gonna meet up so you can choke me out on your basement mat... Yet you can't even add me to your chit-list. Literally zero respect for our hatred history from you. Sheesh, you can't even h8 right.


Please dont remind him. He'll put me even futher down the list

Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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Seems like sone nice football talk @BearDen was doing. Maybe thats why @dabears70 forgot him, he doesnt engage in football talk

Actually that is considered SPAM MODE by a poster like @BearDen or whatever his name is.

Imagine labeling someone that has 5 posts in over a week a TOP TROLL OF CCS.

Good gosh... @dabears70 is such a fucking idiot.

EDIT: BTW, I would offer u my seat at the front of the bus.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Funk & Wagnalls' porch
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Two years ago I'm on that list, nobody gave him more shit for being a liar and a thief. I guess that's all just super corrupt water under the scam FF league bridge now.

Look at me getting all sentimental.

Off topic: Pace, make like Noah this training camp, at the very least, two of every position, even if you sign an overpriced kicker, in case he gets hurt or trolls you by hitting so many uprights, as many uprights as he could, and then just laugh about it with his new friends on the Today show. Pace that fucker trolled you so hard and now he has enough money to feed his family and Gould's.



Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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The list of trolls on here that derail every single thread and follow each other around.

1) HeHateMe
2) Grimson
3) Gus
4) Gpphat
5) Bearden
6) Rory
7) Burque
8) Iueyedoc
9) Prideisbears
10) Vu

This is the real list that follow each other around and ruin every single thread but the main group is the top 4. They have absolutely ruined much of the fun of CCS.

I am seriously wondering how I got on the list of people that derail threads when you didn't? Serious question.

This really sounds more like a list of people that you want to call out for only ever attempting to explain to you what literally staying on topic is like. just saying.

Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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I am seriously wondering how I got on the list of people that derail threads when you didn't? Serious question.

This really sounds more like a list of people that you want to call out for only ever attempting to explain to you what literally staying on topic is like. just saying.

He's actually just really stupid. Just put him on ignore. It will make you smarter.
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