RoofTop Owners


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Well Yanks built a stadium...If the Cub fans "believe" Wigg holds more value? Well...

My opinion is Wrigg has given the past and current owners a free pass to suck on the cheap. There is little accountability. Thus the highest profit margins in baseball.


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Apr 18, 2013
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5 years.. no

For argument sake, if they made a deal with Rosemont and they started digging in October. Theyd be ready to move in opening day 2016.

They tried to buy out the rooftops they wouldn't sell.

There 6 more seasons left on their contract and these RT owners will drag this out for as long as they can to collect their money..

Only way Ricketts are going to get the RT owners to make a deal is to make a legitimate threat to leave if a deal isnt in place for them to start construction at a certain date...

Tom Ricketts need to grow a pair like Reinsdorf did and quit letting his "love" for WF and the RT control him


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May 6, 2010
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5 years.. no

For argument sake, if they made a deal with Rosemont and they started digging in October. Theyd be ready to move in opening day 2016.

They tried to buy out the rooftops they wouldn't sell.

There 6 more seasons left on their contract and these RT owners will drag this out for as long as they can to collect their money..

Only way Ricketts are going to get the RT owners to make a deal is to make a legitimate threat to leave if a deal isnt in place for them to start construction at a certain date...

Tom Ricketts need to grow a pair like Reinsdorf did and quit letting his "love" for WF and the RT control him

That empty lot in Rosemont is empty for a reason, O'Hare flight path.

Try doing your homework next thread.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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That empty lot in Rosemont is empty for a reason, O'Hare flight path.
Just an example. ..

I just believe if he actually does a legit threat and gives a deadline date to settle or he will start taking calls for a new location , a deal would be done sooner rather then later..
Cause not just the RT owners, the Alderman and Mayor not gonna want an empty WF in the future. .


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Apr 18, 2013
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If the Cubs can pay 20 million for the McDonalds, surely they can afford to buy out every one of the rooftop owners.

Estimate market value plus, tell them here's your price, take it or leave it. If you don't like it, enjoy the rear view of the scoreboard.

After they sell, the Cubs can use the properties for something else.


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Mar 31, 2013
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The Cubs will never leave the City. They are too valuable to the economy to allow that to happen

The Vikings are building a stadium more elaborate than any MLB stadium and they are playing elsewhere (TCF) for 2 years. If the Cubs had the plans laid out and started digging tomorrow they'd have 2.33 seasons left at Wrigley


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Jul 23, 2013
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Los Angeles, CA
If the Cubs can pay 20 million for the McDonalds, surely they can afford to buy out every one of the rooftop owners.

Estimate market value plus, tell them here's your price, take it or leave it. If you don't like it, enjoy the rear view of the scoreboard.

After they sell, the Cubs can use the properties for something else.

Couldn't agree more.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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Chicago born and raise my friend....

Sometimes enough is enough with the rooftops and WF bs

All the other Ricketts siblings are ready to move on from there according to dave Kaplan, only person holding on is tom ricketts

This lawsuit now against the city could hold everything up for a few years..

Smart next move by ricketts should be, fine you wanna hold everything up were gonna look else where now...

Ricketts actually looked at some properties the 1st time. This was a bluff on his part in the beginning. I actually compliment Ricketts for trying to keep the Cubs in Wrigley cuz of the tradition.........

But I'm with you. Enough is enough. These fuckin leaches are a big reason for the holdup. If I were Rickett's I'd start something in motion to scare the **** out the city and rooftop owners. I think it's just absurd that these fuckin leach rooftop owners have a say in keeping the Cubs from giving a better product, and stadium to the city of Chicago!

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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Sure. and they still have to get approval for X amount of night games, etc. The neighborhood is a drain that is full of charm and fine drunk memories for all. Build another ball park. 5 years? Doubtful. It didn't take 5 years to build Miller Park.

And for as much as I hate the Brewers... Wrigley ain't got shit on Miller park! Miller Park is Beautiful. The Cubs build a Park like that and put a winning team on the field, they'll be just fine, imo.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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Just an example. ..

I just believe if he actually does a legit threat and gives a deadline date to settle or he will start taking calls for a new location , a deal would be done sooner rather then later..
Cause not just the RT owners, the Alderman and Mayor not gonna want an empty WF in the future. .

The question becomes who does it hurt more? And I agree, Wrigleyville would go to shit if they moved. Time to play some hardball for the Cubs! (Pun intended)


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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If the Cubs can pay 20 million for the McDonalds, surely they can afford to buy out every one of the rooftop owners.

Estimate market value plus, tell them here's your price, take it or leave it. If you don't like it, enjoy the rear view of the scoreboard.

After they sell, the Cubs can use the properties for something else.
They did offer to buy them out, I think it was when they started to buy other places around there like the McD but they refused to sell.

If they did move, im sure theyd try n sell it to whomever would be interested in buying it to preserve it..

Otherwise most likely build condos there...


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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The Cubs will never leave the City. They are too valuable to the economy to allow that to happen

The Vikings are building a stadium more elaborate than any MLB stadium and they are playing elsewhere (TCF) for 2 years. If the Cubs had the plans laid out and started digging tomorrow they'd have 2.33 seasons left at Wrigley
Dont think the city economy would be on the mind of the ricketts if they sell..

Only ones to care about that would be wrigleyville, alderman, and mayor.


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May 6, 2010
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Just an example. ..

I just believe if he actually does a legit threat and gives a deadline date to settle or he will start taking calls for a new location , a deal would be done sooner rather then later..
Cause not just the RT owners, the Alderman and Mayor not gonna want an empty WF in the future. .

If this were any other ballpark, I'd agree.

But even a legit move location probably wouldn't be enough leverage. Wrigley Field is a Chicago icon, moving the Cubs anywhere else would cause a serious drop in tic sales.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Illinois Fighting Illini
If this were any other ballpark, I'd agree.

But even a legit move location probably wouldn't be enough leverage. Wrigley Field is a Chicago icon, moving the Cubs anywhere else would cause a serious drop in tic sales.
Not with all the top prospects they have coming up. Not with every game possible being a night game.


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May 6, 2010
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Here is a legitimate scenario, only it would require the city to donate a few baseball diamonds temporarily.

2 miles west of the current Wrigley, right on the river is Horner Park. The place is HUGE, more than enough room.

Build there, move all the historical artifacts etc., then use the current site as the city park that was lost over in Horner.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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If this were any other ballpark, I'd agree.

But even a legit move location probably wouldn't be enough leverage. Wrigley Field is a Chicago icon, moving the Cubs anywhere else would cause a serious drop in tic sales.
I dont disagree with WF being a chicago icon..

I seriously doubt they will move because im sure these 8 RT owners have a price in mind to pull their lawsuit..

But for argument sake...

I disagree about ticket sales going drastically down..

Majority of true cubs fans are in NW chicago and West Suburbs

If they chose a decent location and built a sweet 40,000 seat stadium and put a contending team on field, sure the disgruntled would snub the new place in the beginning but eventually older fans will come and of course the younger generation will show up to something new..

I think the Aura of WF itself is fading with the younger generation

Captain Obvious

CCS Donator
Jul 31, 2010
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Here is a legitimate scenario, only it would require the city to donate a few baseball diamonds temporarily.

2 miles west of the current Wrigley, right on the river is Horner Park. The place is HUGE, more than enough room.

Build there, move all the historical artifacts etc., then use the current site as the city park that was lost over in Horner.

LOL That's not a legitimate scenario.
