It was my opinion that the 5 and 6 were basically failing even at the end of the series Q couldn't find someone to be trusted with 6 minutes instead of 4. Its was pathetic.
I'm certain that if we played a game 7, or that series continued it was time to go back to Runblaad. They tried Comiskey, and TVR, and Timo and it was time to try Runblaad again in game 7. I thought he played the best #5 in the playoffs this year, (other than Rozy who was supposed to be #5, and as bad of a 5 as he is we found out life sucks without him) and I'll give you that everything after 4 was a total failure. All we can hope is that Runblaad is #7 or #8 by seasons end next. year. But he is absolutely in the competition to be a contributor and if his character is good and he is trying they want him around. There is no problem here. I just didn't see him lose his spot in the playoffs. He was still in a battle that wasn't over and I thought he was a step above the rest of the guys we tried.