Would you like to hear the story of omeletpanties?.
I just drove within a mile of his home here in Elgin...he lives near me.
I've met his senile, sorry ass in person. A few years back we got into an argument on the CBMB. So, I sent him an email. He had previously provided me with his cell phone# and personal email address. His response to the email was, "**** You".
I shop out near where he lives on a regular basis, so I dropped by his house on the way home one day. He wouldn't answer the door. At the time, I could understand b/c his Grandchildren were there, so I left...and left it at that.
Until 4 hours later, when a Kane County sheriff knocked on my front door. Good old omeletepanties(Bob Rosenthal)wrote down my Florida tag and called them.
After I showed the cop his emails etc., there was nothing he could do but walk away wondering why a successful retiree could be such a jackass on the internet.
Feel free to paste this one over there...b/c Mr. Rosenthal utilizes the internet to say things he doesn't have the balls to do in-person.
You should meet his wife...she was standing outside when I knocked on his door. She's a hellcat as well...lol.