[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]
Seeing as you answered this, why in your opinion, should we never have gone? Going off the intelligence as it was known THEN, not as it is known now, why would you have not gone in? Remember this, the intel presented by several countries, not just the US and UK, said that Iraq had or was getting various WMDs and chemical weapons.
I have no issue with the fact we went in, Hussein was as big a genocidal maniac as Hitler (although nowhere near the numbers) and Pol Pot, and Milosevic. I do not think wew should have beent here as long as we have. HOWEVER, unlike a lot of people feel, I don't think just up and leaving them to fend for themselves is the right answer. I dont know about you, I was raised to clean up my mess, and this IS our mess.[/quote]
Why Iraq? Why not "invade" countries in Africa that are ruled by people 10 times worse, where the slaughter of innocents is 10 times worse than it was in Iraq? Rwanda, Sierra Leonne, DRC, Nigeria, Somalia, etc? Simple enough answer. The "Iraq War" was a son finishing the job his father couldn't. All of the "intel" I personally believe was fabricated, or came from "sources" that wanted Saddam out of power, and would say anything that was necessary to do so. It was a farce from start to finish. Our interests in Iraq have always been about the oil. We don't help out these other countries in Africa, where the genocide is much larger and has been happening for much longer, because they are poor, and we benefit in no way from getting involved. How much has Iraq's oil production increased since we got involved there? How much will their production continue to increase, given all the money we are throwing into their infrastructure? More of the rich getting richer....