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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
Liked Posts:
I'll be honest, i win at mostly everything but not opening J-Sizzle's articles is a game i know i will lose every single time. I wake up in the morning and the two things i do before having a nice cup of coffee is
1. Take a piss
2. Pray to God there is a new @JordanSigler column to read

And after i read it I have the Sigler app where i leave a review on every column. I send his work to all of my closest friends and then we get together and discuss over beers.

I'll gladly be the loser in this game because every single time i click on that link.... I know I already won.
Same. It's a gr8 day when there's 3 or more new columns dropped!
He stated that his goal is to garner clicks, not to produce stories with journalistic integrity. I stopped clicking a long time ago.
Click every day, never ever did I end up crying about it.
I usually open the articles multiple times because I learn something each time I re read it. You should just read the articles and not got triggered by the titles
Yup. It's actually quite fun seeing how his thread title plug morphs into just straight up objective reporting.. love how @JordanSigler is able to influence tards' whole perception of facts when his plugs actually contextualize reporting for them to the point of rage. Weird but hilarious

The answer is yes. I put that journalistic hack on ignore long ago. Him and Daniel. I just make it a point never to read ANY articles posted on this site. That way I make sure I don't open any of his hogwash.

Great for traffic huh @Rush

You know damned well you'd click on every single article and read the whole damned thing if @JordanSigler promised you cheaper eggs and gas prices
If it weren't for J Sizz, I'd of split a long time ago.

Yup. He's the only guy besides Jake that I trust for Bears scoops.
