smoking to look cool...really now...


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="TSD"]

I can help with yours.[/quote]

I don't smoke.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
[quote name="phranchk"]As a pharmacist I've heard numerous first hand accounts of how well Chantix worked. People who smoke for 40 years were able to quit.

However, the intense dreams are hard to handle for a lot of people. Also, mixing it with alcohol is dangerous. It can cause hallucinations. There was even a homocide blamed on Chantix a few years ago. I guy was drunk and was on Chantix and was stumbling around hallucinating and talking to himself and he stumbled into the wrong persons yard. An old man took him for an intruder and shot him.[/quote]

So he's drunk and stumbles into the wrong home/yard and Chantix is to blame?

Bottom line regarding Chantix; It's an FDA approved medication for smoking cessation which means double blind placebo controlled experiments using scientific method demonstrated its effectiveness. Yes, it has side effects, potential complications, contra-indications, drug interactions and even a black box warning I beleive. Show me a medicine that doesn't. Anybody getting any prescription from their physician/healthcare provider needs to ask those questions.

I find it funny that people don't think this way about say anti-biotics when they have a cold or pain pills when they have a back ache.

Do they over analyze the potentrial side effcts/drug interactions. Did they know that presciption for Levaquin they got for the sniffles could make a tendon rupture without significant trauma? Did they know if they took more than 2-3 Lortabs/Vicodins/Norcos and had a drink or two they could get acetominophen induced hepatitis? Would they care?


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
A few facts regarding smoking cessation.

The single most important factor for anyone to quits successfully is a strong personal desire to quit smoking/tobacco. If you enjoy smoking and don't want to quit, no amount of nagging from your spouse, family, physician ect... is going to work, and all the smoking cessation aids are probably a waste of time.

The physical withdrawal from nicotine addiction is fairly quick and over in 72 hours. The rest is psychological... ie adapting to a life that previously revolved around smoking.

The body recovers from the ill effects of smoking over years, but some benifits start in the 1st days/weeks.

Most smokers attempt to quit several times befroe they are successful.

75% of successful quiters do it cold turkey without any smoking cessation aid.
