Stopped reading when he used PER.
Having seen every game Jordan played from UNC to Washington, I can say that lebron is nowhere near his level, yet.
To me lebron is more Magic Johnson than he is Michael Jordan. lebron can do things with the ball that may not be flashy, but they are definitely effective. He's Karl Malone minus the post game, but plus the jump shot and passing ability. Fact is, we haven't seen a player like him at his size. I think he can be an all around better player tan Jordan, but he will never have the same impact as Jordan did. The reason players today are so popular is due in part to Jordan's impact on the game, nationally and globally.
Lost in all of this pre-mature anointing of the "king" is that people are trying to re-write history and relegate Jordan "yeah but" status. Jordan was the perfect basketball player in my book. He was the right size and the right combination of skill and athleticism which made a VERY tough cover. He had the power game, the finesse game and the skill game. He could beat you a multitude of ways. lebron doesn't have that yet, and he gets too much superstar treatment.
I don't think I've ever seen Jordan flop like lebron does, especially faking like he got hit in the face and winking afterwords. It's disgusting.
Jordan's legacy to me is secure.