Somewhere in RealGM the truth was told about the Bulls organization


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Dec 9, 2012
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GetBuLLish wrote
Few thoughts on Thibs' firing and the press release.

1) After referring to a culture of open discussion and everyone on the same page, Reinsdorf says that "there has been a departure from this culture." Which culture is he referring to? The last coach was choked by Paxson. The previous coach publicly accused the front office of instructing local media to trash him. The previous coach was the vaunted Tim Floyd era. And the guy before that (Phil Jackson) absolutely despised the GM. So what "culture" is this moron referring to? Of course, our lapdog Chicago media wouldn't ask such a question at today's press conference. Gotta keep that access.

2) The press release also refers to the need to keep inside matters private. This is laughable on too many levels to go through, but I'll bring up one thing. The players' exit interviews were almost immediately divulged to Chicago media. Nice job keeping things private. And I'm sure the players are happy that what they said in confidence was immediately used by the front office in its smear campaign.

3) It wasn't long ago that the FO was in another feud...with Rose. The organization purposely leaked that Rose was healthy, trying to make him look bad to get him to play. Most people on this board (including the entire FODF) raked Rose over the coals, to put it lightly, over that and completely took the FO's side. It's bad enough that the organization has the local media in its back pocket, but its pathetic how many fans they have there too.

This organization has feuded with Rose, Deng, Thibs, Del Negro, Skiles, Phil Jackson, Michael Jordan, Ron Adams, etc., etc. At some point, people have to get their heads out of the sand and realize the common denominator in all this dysfunction.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Next to the beef gristle mill
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls

So somewhere on another site someone said something you liked?

Queue the Willy Wonka Meme.


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May 10, 2014
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I have no particular fondness for GarPax, and by all accounts, they seem shady and/or tough people to get along with.

None of that changes the fact that it was time to move on from Thibs. I really did like the guy. He was never going to take the Bulls there, though. Although it looks like GarPax probably won't either.


Bald, fat, toothless
Mar 29, 2012
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GetBuLLish wrote

What the hell, point 1 has some bad miss truths in it. Collins is loved by the Bulls GM staff, he was the HC before Phil. Isn't Collins the guy the ownership wanted to bring in to assist Thib's and Thib's balked?

Bad post, don't repeat errant posts here.


I ain't your pal dickface
Mar 30, 2009
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What the hell, point 1 has some bad miss truths in it. Collins is loved by the Bulls GM staff, he was the HC before Phil. Isn't Collins the guy the ownership wanted to bring in to assist Thib's and Thib's balked?

Bad post, don't repeat errant posts here.

Point 1 is referring to Thibs, Del Negro, Skiles, Floyd and Phil Jackson. There is no mention of Collins at all. And there is a good deal of truth in that post.

When I read the statement from Reinsdork, I nearly spit my coffee all over my monitor. It was the most disingenuous load of horse shit I've ever read in a press release. There was no basis in truth whatsoever. And the fact that the Chicago media says nothing about it is very damning. We are talking about a front office that not only wanted Deng to play on a broken leg, but nearly killed him with an unnecessary spinal tap a few years later, then refused to let him see his own doctors or even have his own private hospital room!

I admit that it was time for Thibs to go because the players had grown tired of him but this front office is more responsible in creating this culture of mistrust dating back to the early 90's than any previous head coach.

Alpha Male

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Sep 15, 2013
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Although I think garpax need to go, I think thibs has some serious flaws that will prevent him from winning championships. And the thing with rose he brought on himself. He refuses to recruit players and he sat out when he was cleared to play. He hurt his rehab and probably caused another injury for himself.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Although I think garpax need to go, I think thibs has some serious flaws that will prevent him from winning championships. And the thing with rose he brought on himself. He refuses to recruit players and he sat out when he was cleared to play. He hurt his rehab and probably caused another injury for himself.

Thibs does have a lot of faults that unless he changes his style (which there are zero indications he will) he will never get a team to a title. To me he's Scott Skiles on drugs and has less of a temper in the sense I dont feel like the players get burned out as quickly.

As far as Rose, I don't know how not playing in 2012-13 hurt his rehab and caused him another injury. Rose's whole reasoning for not coming back was he didn't want to come back at less than 100% and in that case, he wasn't coming back that season. It takes a year to get back to full production after an ACL tear...usually players come back and look 70-80% of their former selves though. David West is a good example of that. But Rose did not want to look anything less than MVP worthy. Sadly when he did come back he didn't look MVP worthy anyways then had another set back. Hopefully we're past that point, but the old Rose is dead.

It'll be interesting to see if Rose himself has much drive left in himself. He gave up in the playoffs this year and all season long seemingly only cared if he was playing another good PG (perhaps why he quit in Game 6 as Irving left the floor and never came back). If Rose gets some drive back into him, I can see him being a lower tier All-Star again in this league [about where he was in 2009-10], but the MVP will never be seen again.


I ain't your pal dickface
Mar 30, 2009
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Thibs does have a lot of faults that unless he changes his style (which there are zero indications he will) he will never get a team to a title. To me he's Scott Skiles on drugs and has less of a temper in the sense I dont feel like the players get burned out as quickly.

As far as Rose, I don't know how not playing in 2012-13 hurt his rehab and caused him another injury. Rose's whole reasoning for not coming back was he didn't want to come back at less than 100% and in that case, he wasn't coming back that season. It takes a year to get back to full production after an ACL tear...usually players come back and look 70-80% of their former selves though. David West is a good example of that. But Rose did not want to look anything less than MVP worthy. Sadly when he did come back he didn't look MVP worthy anyways then had another set back. Hopefully we're past that point, but the old Rose is dead.

It'll be interesting to see if Rose himself has much drive left in himself. He gave up in the playoffs this year and all season long seemingly only cared if he was playing another good PG (perhaps why he quit in Game 6 as Irving left the floor and never came back). If Rose gets some drive back into him, I can see him being a lower tier All-Star again in this league [about where he was in 2009-10], but the MVP will never be seen again.

Let's be a little fair here, Scoot. This was technically Rose's 1st full season back after nearly 3 years away from the game. I fully expected the up and down nature of his play. He also talked extensively about easing himself back into the game because he was surrounded by more talent. He deferred a lot to Butler, and with good reason, as well as Pau early on. After his latest surgery, he knew that he had to come back full bore for the team to stand a chance of making it to the Finals, which he did in flashes, but once again was hard to sustain consistency because he missed 5 more weeks of the season.

I feel like everyone quit in game 6, not just Rose. Rose also was playing with a shoulder injury which was obviously affecting his play. I'm interested to see how he comes back when he FINALLY has a summer where he doesn't have to go through intense rehab workouts. I still think there is plenty of drive left in him, and from the flashes I saw in the playoffs, he can get back close to that All-NBA play he was at when he won MVP. You're right that the old Rose is gone, because now he has studied the game more, which has made him a better overall teammate.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Let's be a little fair here, Scoot. This was technically Rose's 1st full season back after nearly 3 years away from the game. I fully expected the up and down nature of his play. He also talked extensively about easing himself back into the game because he was surrounded by more talent. He deferred a lot to Butler, and with good reason, as well as Pau early on. After his latest surgery, he knew that he had to come back full bore for the team to stand a chance of making it to the Finals, which he did in flashes, but once again was hard to sustain consistency because he missed 5 more weeks of the season.

I feel like everyone quit in game 6, not just Rose. Rose also was playing with a shoulder injury which was obviously affecting his play. I'm interested to see how he comes back when he FINALLY has a summer where he doesn't have to go through intense rehab workouts. I still think there is plenty of drive left in him, and from the flashes I saw in the playoffs, he can get back close to that All-NBA play he was at when he won MVP. You're right that the old Rose is gone, because now he has studied the game more, which has made him a better overall teammate.
All year long it looked evident that Rose gave more effort against good PG's and didn't give as much against crappy PG's. I'm not the only one here to notice such a thing either.

I still don't feel like he'll ever be MVP worthy again. He played mostly well in the playoffs, and to me his performance was All-Star worthy, but not MVP worthy. I expect that with a full off-season ahead of him and he won't have to be doing rehab he can work on a lot of things. I also feel like if Hoiberg is indeed the coach, someone will fix his awful three point shot.

Again it just sometimes seemed like he didn't have a lot of drive and motivation left for the team. Perhaps thats part Thibs wearing thin, part the injuries and constant rehab, or a little of both.
