Sorry Derrick


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Hello Mr. Rose.

The last weak i have infested this forum with negativity and critical analisis's.
Only did it because your my favorite player on the Bulls(maybe because your the best on the Bulls,LoL), but only getting the negatives out of the ways in my postings.
Yes, i would like you to do just a tad lil bit of recruiting.
You recruited Kirk and suceeded. Good job. :beerbang:
All im asking is for you to use the same type of enthusiasm for a player like, well you know let say Kevin Love, Melo, Kobe LEBRON or elite recruits.
You know, just because its a championship you seek.
No mean for insults, just my opinion that i recieved hate for :lol:

Any way, enough of this next free agent splash.
Have nothing more to say and i wish you well and hope for a supurb comeback.
Maybe you did the right thing staying out last year, maybe not.
Doesnt matter, you did what you felt was the right thing for your reasoning, and its your career and choice on how you want to run it. who am i, just a fan who misses championships. Hope you bring em.

Have a great season, good luck against the powerhouse teams, like Miami, Indiana, etc etc etc.....
And take it in stride, dont overexert yourself and reinjure yourself trying to face those double teams in the lane and dashing to the basket.
I know you were our point guard and 2guard at the same time, but i understand you didnt really have a choice. LoL
Things are different now. Jimmy should help alot in the backcourt and dnt be afraid to pass him the ball. He can score a lil inside and outside, and if you see him running to the basket, toss to him to finish it for the dunk so you dont have to. Jimmys no Bogans :)

Sorry if i insulted you or your fans the other day, just keepin it real, Peace.

Oh wait, 1 more thing...........If double teams mess with your head and it gets to be a bit too much at times, dont let the thought effect your MENTAL approch to the game...Just Holla at Thibbs to let you sit and relax, chill for a min to regain focus, isnt that what you RECRUITED Kirk for? :)
Dont leave him out there too longthough. Its not the old Kirk. This version has more fractures and holes in him than the Moon.
He could break at anytime now, kind of like Rip used too. Well not that bad, yet...He shoots alot of bricks so youll need to get back on the floor quick before his arm falls off or somthing.

And another thing, as it stands, when Jimmys shots aint hittin, you gonna have to be our 2 guard and pg again....Jimmys more of a wing player and should be used more when you drive toward the basket..Hes better than Deng at going hard to the basket, hope u create alot of posters with hhim.........

....and we dont really got a natural official 2 guard still YET!!!
Yeah i know what your thinking, aint much changed since you left, LoL
Thats what Ben used to be for, remember? :lol:
Didnt it used to be nice to have a guy like that you could rely on to take double teams off of your ass?
I know, right...
Could it be that it was all so simple then.

brace yourself because youll have to be one of the rare pointguards thats the LEADING SCORER and player on the team to win a title. Not many have so try and make history i guess.
But you can do it. PaxGar got your back.
He gave you Dunleavy this year.


Recruit Lebron. He can help you achieve your dreams in so many ways... As a matter of fact, he can play some point too so that way you can play more often like a 2 guard the way you like too.
Lebron can play point as good as you :troll:

Relax, just for laughs i tell ya.
Naw but seriously, go bigtime and recruit Lebron James.
He can help the team and you can learn alot from one of the alltime greats so the torch can be passed down to you down the line when hes done so youll be equipped win a few titles on your own then... and yall really would be great together. Make Lebron know it too.
You guys would be one of the all time great duos like Pippen and jordan.
1 guy dominating the front court activity and 1 guy dominating backcourt activity in an elite fashion.

Ill go as far as saying, Lebron+Rose GARENTEES a championship eventually...maybe 2 maybe 3 4 5 6 7..........
And it may take a season for Lebron and you to gell like it did for him in Miami. But once it does, yall will be unstoppaBULL.

And let PaxGar know you and Reggie mean business this time.
GO BULLS :beerbang:

Now back to this season..........................................................................
End result.......................Parade in Miami again :(
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