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Kyle Long would not appreciate Vick's thoughts on gaming:
My Room-mate wants to literally be on Twitch 25/8/366
I mean, are you ****ing kidding me? How is it in the first place that people would literally want to watch an ignoramus playing video games or live-blogging in facebook and reddit marathon blog-a-thons about how evil Donald Trump and his entire family are literally blood-sucking all of the blood out of the US population, for hours at a time? I mean, he can't be serious about this but he literally thinks that this is going to be a job or perhaps even a career as well where he will increase his audience "numbers" to generate "ad-revenue" through "consumer traffic" watching him play games and undertake life in-real-time rantings and ravings and soap-boxing escapades about the corruption in our government and society, as if people care? I mean, does he not know there is a whole living world of people suffering out there and that he is literally live-mocking them by dedicating all of his energies trying to entertain and reap ad-monies from ignoramuses, all by exploiting the plight of people when he isn't playing a video game? It's unbelievable, unconscionable, uncharitable, uncaring, uncouth, unresponsible, and downright unrehensible behavior and I hope that he and his fans get locked up because it is the epitome of what is wrong with our diseased society.
Or we are training our future drone pilots, battlefield remote killing machine operators. These gamers are the future of the American military.
But you can't hold a whole gaming industry responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted twitcher's. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole gaming industry? And if the whole gaming industry is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our entertainment institutions in general? I put it to you, Vick - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to gamers, but they're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!
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