For those asking, I actually staked out the Ketel One entrance (well more specifically the entrance to the Sonja Henning Room where all the Big Money people enjoy their intermissions) The gentleman who watched that door probably thought i was a lunatic. ha-ha . I Was hoping he'd pop in sometime during play so waited the whole game, watching the game on a 13 inch TV across the corridor. It wasn't til after the game, Down in KO when I saw him finally, and got the signature.
He didn't really have a reaction to the drawing just kinda signed it and went about his business, which is fine, I am sure he was uber busy w/ hob-knobbing that night. In actuality very few people that ave signed it have commented. Larmer did, Hull did and Glenn Hall was very complimentary, but for the most part people just sign and carry on. Pat Foley was very nice when he saw it as well. What can I say, I'm no Tibs! (whose work is AMAZING)
Well again a big thanks to IHN for the suggestions and interest. If anyone knows when Eddie the Eagle is in town, lemme know