Swirsky Blog

charity stripe

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Mar 30, 2009
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First blog entry on the new site.

Experience weighs heavily in Boston's favor
Take Lindsey Hunter out of the equation and there's quite a disparity.

The numbers are dramatic: 232 to 40. No, that's not your stock portfolio of yesterday's business transactions. It's a comparison of the amount of playoff game experience between the Celtics' starters and the five players coach Vinny Del Negro will send out on the floor Saturday afternoon (11 a.m. CT pregame coverage on ESPN Radio 1000).

It will be very interesting to see how the Bulls handle Game 1. Will they embrace the challenge as underdog and shock the world? Or will they feel the pressure of every possession and wilt under the intense heat of playing the defending NBA champion Celtics, albeit without the services of Kevin Garnett.

Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah will get their first taste of playoff ball. Ben Gordon, the seasoned veteran of the group, has performed in all of 22 postseason games. Tyrus Thomas has 10 games under his belt, and John Salmons has eight postseason appearances. When Brad Miller comes off the bench, it will mark his first postseason since 2006. He's played in 38 games. There's Tim Thomas with 53 and Kirk Hinrich with 22. Lindsey Hunter, who joined the NBA in 1953, has a whopping 141 games under his belt, but it's doubtful Hunter will see any floor time. Father Time waits for no man.

The Bulls leave Friday mid-morning, and upon arrival in Boston will go straight to practice at a local university.

Another key stat: Boston averaged 114 points against the Bulls in three regular-season games. That must change if the Bulls want to compete with the Celtics and extend the series to six or seven games.

Can the Bulls upset Boston? Yes, if Thomas, Rose and Noah keep away from foul trouble. Rajon Rondo will look to push and force the play on Rose. If the Bulls can get in a groove shooting the ball and build confidence, you never know what can happen.

It's apparent John Salmons is not even close to 100 percent. He's been nursing a sore groin the past three weeks and is playing through a very difficult and painful injury. He's shooting just 25 percent the past three games and just doesn't look comfortable, but is still capable of knocking down big shots.

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<span style="color:rgb(63,66,69);font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">A state assemblyman from Los Angeles County has </span>created a website<span style="color:rgb(63,66,69);font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"> to allow citizens to draft what will become the first piece of crowdsourced legislation in America. Calling it "a great way for people to have a voice in their government," California state Assemblyman Mike Gatto, pictured below, launched a "Wiki Bill" last month to focus on probate code, or the handling of a deceased person's estate. </span></p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I don't see anything wrong with this, but if it's crowdsourced I don't see how they'll ever come to agreement on final verbiage?</p>


New member
May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
I can't wait till it's law to watch cat videos for at least 2 hours a week followed by fuck you ******.</p>
