Synthetic Turf....eye opener.

The Hawk

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Wait a second are you saying that financially prosperous republican politicians that benefit from things that may or may not damage the environment do not have any sort of play in this game?

That is like saying cigarette makers do not prosper by showing scientifically how cigarettes do not cause cancer.

Whether or not you agree or disagree that climate change is real, you have to admit that solar and wind power is better for this planet than fossil fuels.

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I'm not sure about solar, even after having installed solar panels in my own home but I do not think that wind is better than fossil fuels. There is a lot of inefficiency in wind power and the cost to make and implement these towers and connect them to the grid is significant. Even with solar, there is a significant cost to their manufacturing. i bought my system because the financial savings made it worth while because of the government subsidies and the guarantees that I would not have an electric bill EVER.

What I am sure about is that pollution is bad and the efforts made should be all about reduces and eliminating pollution rather than trumped up numbers about supposed global warming crap which no one can prove either way. The amazing actions in FLint Michigan were horrible. Then you have the out of control EPA which ruined an entire river recently.

I also know that the United States cannot affect world wide pollution by anything that they do other than clean up our own shit which we should concentrate on but be reasonable in regard to it. Industry means jobs and unreasonable regulations have and will cost jobs.

We , the US, have the technology and resources to be entirely self sufficient in food, fuel, and technology. Our military is the best in the world. Enough said. Turn those bastards loose and let the rest of the world go diddle themselves.

The Hawk

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Lol and you gotta love the latest bit, that "ISIS is to blame for global warming"- Bernie Sanders

Is that what he said or did he say that ISIS was caused by global warming? I know that some stupid ass politician said that recently:) Just asking.

The Hawk

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Did I just see that Bernies plan calls for another $20 trillion in SPENDING to get to the socialist nirvana that he wants. At least Bernie's honest. 90% TAX RATES all around. My goodness I hope he beat Hillary!!

The Hawk

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yea I have seen youtube videos of those viruses killing deferent blood cancers

Isn't it the same principle as chemo just using different toxins?

The Hawk

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I totally agree I have seen the business side of the health care industry and its not about a cure its about treatment. Obama care is a prime example if you don't pay then you pay however our politicians don't have to follow because they are to busy getting paid buy the insurance companies to make sure they can control the treatment.

The truth is that our politicians are not enrolled in Obamacare. There were Republican efforts to force all Congress people to enroll in the same system that they forced down the throat of the American people via fiat but the Democraps blocked it. Next year, the premiums and the co-pays are going to pretty much double as predicted when this crap was voted in. THe poor Republican voted in next term is going to inherit a shit pot.


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Aug 26, 2012
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Did I just see that Bernies plan calls for another $20 trillion in SPENDING to get to the socialist nirvana that he wants. At least Bernie's honest. 90% TAX RATES all around. My goodness I hope he beat Hillary!!

Where are you getting your news from? This 90% tax rates stuff is pure bullshit.


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Aug 20, 2012
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What a bunch of bull-crap. No proof. Rubbish!

What "proof" would you require before you agreed with the vast majority of scientists who's job it is to do study climate for a living over an industrial base (and their pet news network) which heavily profits from the status quo ?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Where are you getting your news from? This 90% tax rates stuff is pure bullshit.

-Sanders: I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent.

-CNBC's John Harwood: It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high?

-Sanders: No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral?

Long story short, when asked if he thinks the 90% tax rate is too high, Sanders said no, and quickly changed the subject to 'morality'.

The Hawk

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You know when virtually every scientist says climate change is real and virtually every republican politician says climate change is bullshit I tend to side with the scientist's. That doesn't mean republican politicians aren't right about a lot of things. It just means that if New York ends up under three or four feet of water in the next fifty or one hundred years that there is going to have to be some major change in how we think about things like our pollution levels, and how countries like China and India who pollute and don't think about it can have an effect on us right here in our happy home.

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Another thing that is pathetic about "climate change" is that China, who is probably the biggest industrial polluter in the world makes most of the solar panels being sold in the world. Don't know about wind turbins but I wouldn't be surprised that they make them also. Hell, the EPA pretty much shut the American steel industry down so the steel must come from somewhere else.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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-Sanders: I think the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent.

-CNBC's John Harwood: It was 90. When you think about 90 percent, you don't think that's obviously too high?

-Sanders: No. What I think we've seen, and what frightens me again, when you have the top one-tenth of 1 percent owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Does anybody think that that is the kind of economy this country should have? Do we think it's moral?

Long story short, when asked if he thinks the 90% tax rate is too high, Sanders said no, and quickly changed the subject to 'morality'.

Despite not saying that he doesn't think that rate was too high, he has never proposed such a rate for the top bracket -- more or less Da Cawk's completely baseless, and moronic, "90% TAX RATES all around" claim. He seriously just pulled that completely out of his ass (or from the ass of some far right wing dipshit that also doesn't bother fact-checking before spewing bullshit).

Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive. Sanders proposes a top rate on individual income of a whopping 52%, which would be the highest since 1980, when tax rates topped out at 70% under Jimmy Carter.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Despite not saying that he doesn't think that rate was too high, he has never proposed such a rate for the top bracket -- more or less Da Cawk's completely baseless, and moronic, "90% TAX RATES all around" claim. He seriously just pulled that completely out of his ass (or from the ass of some far right wing dipshit that also doesn't bother fact-checking before spewing bullshit).

Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive. Sanders proposes a top rate on individual income of a whopping 52%, which would be the highest since 1980, when tax rates topped out at 70% under Jimmy Carter.

I've never heard the 90% on all classes, because that would take away Sanders' whole schtick of "Everything is free for everybody... except for a certain few." However, Sanders still doesn't seem to understand basic economics, wealth creation, or wealth distribution. Bernie Sanders is more like a Santa Clause than an actual presidential candidate in my mind.

Whether it's 90%, or some figure close to that, what does Bernie believe will happen when he implements these high-tax rates? The ultra-rich (his main target) will simply have the means to move their money to a tax-friendly country, and the new group being taxed will be the small business owners, who won't be able to survive under Sanders' tax rates.

These far leftists never look past the surface of anything to try to understand the mechanisms of how things actually work, what (other than the greedy rich) might be causing the problems they feel obliged to correct, or how most of them would self-correct, if not for existing government interference with people's lives, businesses, and property. They fervently believe that they have the answers, that they are simple, straightforward and plainly visible to anyone who looks, and anyone who contests their view must be in league with the evil, rich, or insane.

If you want to know what's wrong with Bernie Sanders' whole mindset, read "The Vision of the Anointed" by Thomas Sowell. If you don't have time for that, simply look up some Youtube videos of Sowell, and within 15 minutes of watching his videos you'll realize that Bernie Sanders is in over his head.

The Hawk

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What "proof" would you require before you agreed with the vast majority of scientists who's job it is to do study climate for a living over an industrial base (and their pet news network) which heavily profits from the status quo ?

I would like to have answers to some of these questions:

1. Where are the measuring points for the temperature of the planet and how often are they calibrated?

2. Are the temperatures made public at the point that they are obtained and who collects the world wide data?

3. How accurate are the thermometers?

4. How do they collect rainfall worldwide and what kind of gauges are used.

5. Who pays for the studies and who pays the scientists?

6. Who compensates the schools who employ these scientists?

7. What do these scientists agree on exactly?

8. What happens to scientists who disagree with the conclusions drawn by the "vast majority"?

9. Is there a neutral arbiter when disagreement occurs and who hires the arbiter?

10. What role does the EPA play in the "findings"?

11. What political parties do the scientists belong to?

12. How is ocean temperature collected?

13. What is the true effect of sun explosions on the earth's temperature?

14. Has any group of people correlated the activity of the sun and the temperature of the earth and if so, what is the correlation?

15. How is the sun's activity measured?

16. What is the correlation between carbon dioxide levels and the earth's temperature and who collects that data?



Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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If you want to know what's wrong with Bernie Sanders' whole mindset, read "The Vision of the Anointed" by Thomas Sowell. If you don't have time for that, simply look up some Youtube videos of Sowell, and within 15 minutes of watching his videos you'll realize that Bernie Sanders is in over his head.

I have no love for Sanders, don't support him in any way, would never vote for him, and consider his rhetoric completely asinine; but that doesn't mean I'm just going to make shit up to make him look worse than he already is like Da Cawk did (he really doesn't need any help with that anyways).

IT is true. Look it up yourself. much dumb. Please, look it up for yourself dipshit. Never mind, I'll help:

The Hawk

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Despite not saying that he doesn't think that rate was too high, he has never proposed such a rate for the top bracket -- more or less Da Cawk's completely baseless, and moronic, "90% TAX RATES all around" claim. He seriously just pulled that completely out of his ass (or from the ass of some far right wing dipshit that also doesn't bother fact-checking before spewing bullshit).

Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan today, and it’s, how should I put this…aggressive. Sanders proposes a top rate on individual income of a whopping 52%, which would be the highest since 1980, when tax rates topped out at 70% under Jimmy Carter.

Once again, TJ is a liar. I never said that Sanders proposed a 90% rate for everyone. The 90% STATEMENT WAS A JOKE, LUMPY. TJ talks about people being "moronic"? He should face facts. A moron is much smarter than he is. And not only is he dumb and a liar, he cannot even approach framing a logical argument. A perfect example of his dopiness is the following statement:

"Despite not saying that the 90% tax rate was too high, he has never proposed such a rate for the top bracket". Tell me please, how did what TJ said be logical? The double negatives aside, TJ said that Bernie said a 90% rate was just fine yet somehow he never proposed it. I guess TJ needs to stop drinking alcohol and sniffing glue:)


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Did I just see that Bernies plan calls for another $20 trillion in SPENDING to get to the socialist nirvana that he wants. At least Bernie's honest. 90% TAX RATES all around. My goodness I hope he beat Hillary!!

Once again, TJ is a liar. I never said that Sanders proposed a 90% rate for everyone. TJ talks about people being "moronic"? He should face facts. A moron is much smarter than he is. And not only is he dumb and a liar, he cannot even approach framing a logical argument. A perfect example of his dopiness is the following statement:

"Despite not saying that the 90% tax rate was too high, he has never proposed such a rate for the top bracket". Tell me please, how did what TJ said be logical? The double negatives aside, TJ said that Bernie said a 90% rate was just fine yet somehow he never proposed it. I guess TJ needs to stop drinking alcohol and sniffing glue:)

Way to go. Fail as usual. He doesn't even propose a 90% rate on anyone, more or less "90% TAX RATES all around" like you claimed. Attempt to actually read his tax proposal if you're capable. He never proposes anything close to 90%.

Income Levels//Current Law//Trump Plan//Sanders Plan











"As a result, the top rate on ordinary income and long-term capital gains could actually climb as high as 55.8%."

Look at all those 90% rates he has proposed!!!

Oh, and let me help you with failing to understand simple logic: Bernie said that he did not believe 90% was too high. He also did not propose a 90% rate. Your "he is 'just fine' with a 90% rate, therefore he proposed one" is a non sequitur...basically the type of logical fallacy we expect out of you.

