<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="216295" data-time="1386604849">
Groins are the worst because every-time you start to feel better it can give out again at any moment. From Crow and Khabi to Raanta and Simpson in about a month.... hooo boy. hah.</p>
In good news, Keith and Seabs +/- have soared to +12 and +14 respectively; leading the D-men. Hammer and Oduya's are +9 and +7 respetively, with Leddy as +6.</p>
Brookbank is a +2 (granted, his time at forward makes that somewhat unreliable when it comes to coupling his with Leddy), and Rosie is a -1.</p>
Aside from Rosie who definitly needs to step up his backened play, and Brookbank who, when he plays D, may need to step up his backend play, I think the D should be in good position because our O has been high powered the majority of this year. Keith and Seabs going from - and even, respectively, to very + echoes their trend of playing better in the backend. Good timing if you think about it; Rannta, Simpson, or Herb Brooks-forbid even Carruth are gonna need all the help they can get.</p>