And with only 2 Canadian teams in these playoffs look for both those squads to get most of the calls in their series.
Yah how has that worked the last umpteen years since the Habs were the last Canadian team to win a cup.
That shit is so not true. You think the league really gives a shit about Canadian teams? If they did wouldn't you think a team would be in Winnipeg by now?
That's such bush league shit Maiden. Canadians are going to watch the playoffs regardless of who is in them. Unless you live here you don't get it and you follow that same old conspiracy shit.
Bettman loves the American market he could care less about the Canadian one. That should be pretty clear by now.
New York is a bigger revenue market than Vancouver. Save that anti-american team pro-canadian team bs. Its not true. The NHL benefits 0 from the Canucks going deep in these playoffs. They would benefit more if the Hawks did like last year. You know that.