Scientific American and the New Scientist are hardly shills. Let's have your evidence then.
"There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone, and measured the outcome. And since that has never been done, that means that if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate, you'll call the people who give vaccines quacks." Prof. Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., 1986, Head of the Liscensing Board for the State of Illinois, paediatrician & gynaecologist for 30 years, medical columnist & best-selling author, recipient of numerous awards for excellence in medicine.
"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we vanquished smallpox with vaccines when only 10% of the population were ever vaccinated." Dr. Glen Dettman, AMM, BA, PhD, & Archie Kalokerinos, MD, 1986. (p. 36) In the late 1960's and 1970s, Dr. Kalokerinos and Dr. Dettman discovered that some 500 out of every 1,000 Aboriginal children were dying in the Northern Territories. The cause was a type of toxic shock reaction, complicated by vitamin C deficiency, often brought on by immunisation. In a two-year period without vaccination and with improved nutrition not one child died. (p.43).
"The most phenomenal accomplishments in tuberculosis eradication have been achieved where little or no B.C.G. has been used, including in Iceland, Hawaii and the Netherlands." From an article signed by 17 doctors in the British Medical Journal, June 6 1959. (P.110). B.C.G. is a vaccine used against tuberculosis.
"Immunisation programs against the flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc., actually may be seeding humans with RNA to form pro-viruses...which under proper conditions become activated and cause a variety of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematoses, Parkinson's disease, and cancer. Spare me this 'medical miracle'." Dr. Robert Simpson, of Rutgers University, 1987. (p.42)
"The vaccination modifies the terrain of the vaccinated, driving it towards the alkaline and oxidised terrain--the terrain of cancer. The fact can no longer be denied." The French medical Journal Revue de Pathologie Generale at de Physiologie Clinique, 1958 (p.111).
"It is necessary only to read on the dials of a physical measuring apparatus the ratings of the 3 characteristics of the blood. The pH, the rH2 and the electric resistance. The findings are that all vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia." Prof.L.C.Vincent, founder of Bioelectronics.
"Since routine vaccines introduce live viruses and other highly antigenic material into the blood of virtually every living person, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that a significant harvest of auto-immune diseases will automatically result. It is dangerous and misleading and the exact opposite of the truth to claim that a vaccine makes us "immune" or protects us against an acute disease. In fact, it only drives the disease deeper into the interior and causes us to harbour it chronically with the result that our responses to it become progressively weaker and show less and less tendency to heal and resolve themselves spontaneously. . . Far from producing a genuine immunity the vaccines may act by actually interfering with or suppressing the immune system as a whole..." Richard Moskowitz, M.D. 1983 (p.67-68)
"Vaccination is not necessary, not useful, does not protect. There are twice as many casualties from vaccination as from AIDS" Dr. med. Gerhard Buchwald, 1988, West Germany, specialist of internal diseases and participant in about 150 trials of vaccination victims (p.35).
"... the question of what is immunisation is an interesting one. Immunisation is a way of stimulating the body to produce antibodies against certain illnesses; in a different way from what one would normally have, what would normally have happened - if the child had got the disease normally. Measles is a good example here. If you get measles, the first signs are a runny nose, you get inflammation of all the membranes around the mouth and the nose of course, we call this the peripheral immune system. And that part of the immune system is stimulated. The body then goes on to produce antibodies to the measles virus and that leaves a life-long immunity.
Now by vaccinating against measles, we actually in a sense, trick the body - the body doesn't have this switching on of the peripheral immune system, that's not involved, we inject straight into the subcutaneous tissue with the bloodstream, and so the body produces antibodies, but hasn't gone through the normal immune response that the body would normally have done for natural measles. It then becomes the question, does this give you life-long immunity? And we know now that it doesn't. In a New Zealand study they found that something like 15% of all 16 year olds who had been vaccinated at birth have lost their antibodies to measles. The World Health Organisation has become particularly interested in this issue because it is now feared that when these mothers, for instance, who no longer have any antibodies, have children, they can't pass across any natural immunity to measles and that would then leave then a population of babies under a year of age vulnerable to measles. And we know from experience that measles in a younger age-group is much more devastating than is measles at a slightly later age-group of over a year for instance." Dr. David Ritchie, 1992, Physician, New Zealand.