That word, HERO, you keep using it and THIS is what it means

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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You don't sound like you know much at all. Tell us why you don't mind so many babies dying and that you think so little of that and all the illness and disease known to be caused by vaccines that you have the audacity to call vaccines safe. Tell us why you believe the thimerosal is safe when scientists have known for decades it's far from safe. Tell us of this proven efficacy you claim when outbreak after outbreak shows vaccinated people getting infected way more than non vaccinated people. Why would I listen to you over real scientists and doctors who know vaccines are deadly.
Why would I expect you know more than Robert F Kennedy when he spoke of the real dangers of thimerosal and the urgent need to remove them from vaccines and also spoke of the known and proven collusion between CDC and big Pharma?

Was there supposed to be a coherent thought in there or did you just have some kind of premature paranoid-cliche-gasm?

And Kennedy got his PhD in Virology from where exactly? Perhaps his jail cell after his heroin conviction?

From Wikipedia: "An outspoken opponent of vaccination, in June 2005 Kennedy authored an article in Rolling Stone and alleging a government conspiracy to cover up connections between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and childhood autism. The article contained a number of factual errors, leading to issue five corrections and ultimately to retract the article completely on January 16, 2011."

For your illumination

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Was there supposed to be a coherent thought in there or was it just some kind of premature paranoid-cliche-gasm?
You're like a child. Actually a bit below cause even a child could have understood those very simple questions and yet you cannot. Pathetic


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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A sports MB isn't the best forum to prove you're smarter than somebody else.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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And even more, for you Sparty.

From the above link: "We know that a disease that is apparently under control can suddenly return, because we have seen it happen, in countries like Japan, Australia, and Sweden. Here is an example from Japan. In 1974, about 80% of Japanese children were getting pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. That year there were only 393 cases of whooping cough in the entire country, and not a single pertussis-related death. Then immunization rates began to drop, until only about 10% of children were being vaccinated. In 1979, more than 13,000 people got whooping cough and 41 died. When routine vaccination was resumed, the disease numbers dropped again."

Although rational thought doesn't seem to be your cup of tea.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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A sports MB isn't the best forum to prove you're smarter than somebody else.
It's the Bar, dude. That's a better place, no? Not about being smarter. It's about getting the whole story rather than just fall in line and accept it as truth because all the other sheep did. If frauds with an agenda teach you to believe just exactly what they want you to believe, what have you really learned?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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And even more, for you Sparty.

From the above link: "We know that a disease that is apparently under control can suddenly return, because we have seen it happen, in countries like Japan, Australia, and Sweden. Here is an example from Japan. In 1974, about 80% of Japanese children were getting pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. That year there were only 393 cases of whooping cough in the entire country, and not a single pertussis-related death. Then immunization rates began to drop, until only about 10% of children were being vaccinated. In 1979, more than 13,000 people got whooping cough and 41 died. When routine vaccination was resumed, the disease numbers dropped again."

Although rational thought doesn't seem to be your cup of tea.
Giving CDC links right after being shown how CDC is in collusion with Big Pharma. You are so smart.

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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It's the Bar, dude. That's a better place, no? Not about being smarter. It's about getting the whole story rather than just fall in line and accept it as truth because all the other sheep did. If frauds with an agenda teach you to believe just exactly what you want them to believe, what have you really learned?

Sheep? Really?

And what does that make you, exactly?

Let me tell you, it makes you less than a sheep. It makes you an organ grinders monkey. While a sheep at least has the excuse of being a herd animal you pretend to be oh so superior with your contrarian bullshit when all you're really doing is being an ass.

You're nothing but a monkey dancing to someone elses tune, and try to understand this Spartan: whether you know it or not, you dance a hell of a lot harder than those you dismiss as "sheep". All it takes to make you jump like a puppet on a string is to stroke your bloated sense of self importance by pretending your ignorance is somehow "not falling in line"

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Giving CDC links right after being shown how CDC is in collusion with Big Pharma. You are so smart.

Shown by whom? "Dr" Kennedy? The heroin addicted failed politico?

And once again (in case you missed it) from his Wikipedia page: An outspoken opponent of vaccination, in June 2005 Kennedy authored an article in Rolling Stone and alleging a government conspiracy to cover up connections between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and childhood autism.The article contained a number of factual errors, leading to issue five corrections and ultimately to retract the article completely on January 16, 2011. The retraction was motivated by accumulating evidence of errors and scientific fraud underlying the vaccine-autism claim

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Sheep? Really?

And what does that make you, exactly?

Let me tell you, it makes you less than a sheep. It makes you an organ grinders monkey. While a sheep at least has the excuse of being a herd animal you pretend to be oh so superior with your contrarian bullshit when all you're really doing is being an ass.

You're nothing but a monkey dancing to someone elses tune, and try to understand this Spartan: whether you know it or not, you dance a hell of a lot harder than those you dismiss as "sheep". All it takes to make you jump like a puppet on a string is to stroke your bloated sense of self importance by pretending your ignorance is somehow "not falling in line"
Calm down you little girl. Makes me someone who believes natural immunity is still the way to go and the injuring and killing of babies must stop immediately.

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Calm down you little girl. Makes me someone who believes natural immunity is still the way to go and the injuring and killing of babies must stop immediately.

Correct, via vaccinations

Now keep dancing little monkey...

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Shown by whom? "Dr" Kennedy? The heroin addicted failed politico?

And once again (in case you missed it) from his Wikipedia page: An outspoken opponent of vaccination, in June 2005 Kennedy authored an article in Rolling Stone and alleging a government conspiracy to cover up connections between the vaccine preservative thimerosal and childhood autism.The article contained a number of factual errors, leading to issue five corrections and ultimately to retract the article completely on January 16, 2011. The retraction was motivated by accumulating evidence of errors and scientific fraud underlying the vaccine-autism claim
Just cause shills come along to cry foul, it doesn't make anything said less true. Thimerosal has been known to cause autism and other neurological diseases. All Scientists know it. Only the dumbest fucks who feel the need to defend vaccines deny it.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Correct, via vaccinations
It's the vaccines killing them. There is no doubt every single vaccine has killed and injured people, mostly babies. The fact that people like you don't care about that sickens me. You are a vile bunch.

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Just cause shills come along to cry foul, it doesn't make anything said less true. Thimerosal has been known to cause autism and other neurological diseases. All Scientists know it. Only the dumbest fucks who feel the need to defend vaccines deny it.

Pure, unadulterated, ignorant bullshit.

Again, from Wikipedia

Thiomersal: Its use as a vaccine preservative was controversial, and it was phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the United States, the European Union, and a few other countries to assuage popular fears.The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these fears.

There is absolutely no legitimate evidence to back up your claim and only a paranoid ****** bag would believe otherwise.

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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It's the vaccines killing them. There is no doubt every single vaccine has killed and injured people, mostly babies. The fact that people like you don't care about that sickens me. You are a vile bunch.

Once again more unadulterated, ignorant, bullshit.

You make yourself look more easily manipulated with every post

Keep dancing little monkey, and out of curiosity how many Kevin Trudeau "Things "they" don't want you to know" kind of books do you own? Lots, I bet, cause, you know, "they" don't want you to know lots of stuff, right?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Once again more unadulterated, ignorant, bullshit.

You make yourself look more easily manipulated with every post

Keep dancing little monkey
To deny this is to prove you don't know the first thing about what's been going on with vaccines. Not even CDC, the shilliest of shills, denies this.

You've proven to be far more ignorant than I imagined possible. Let me give you just 1 simple question to answer since you believe vaccines to be so safe. The following are common ingredients in vaccines. Go ahead and explain in your silly girly way how they're really good for people and won't harm them despite what scientists say. Aluminum, formaldehyde, Thimerosal, MSG, ethanol, bovine cow serum, Sorbitol, Sodium chloride, Human albumin.

The Apostate

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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To deny this is to prove you don't know the first thing about what's been going on with vaccines. Not even CDC, the shilliest of shills, denies this.

You've proven to be far more ignorant than I imagined possible. Let me give you just 1 simple question to answer since you believe vaccines to be so safe. The following are common ingredients in vaccines. Go ahead and explain in your silly girly way how they're really good for people and won't harm them despite what scientists say. Aluminum, formaldehyde, Thimerosal, MSG, ethanol, bovine cow serum, Sorbitol, Sodium chloride, Human albumin.

And once again more ignorant bullshit from Spartan. Did you sleep all the way through high school chemistry? Just throwing out chemical names doesn't mean a damn thing, fool. Chemical names may scare the ignorant but not the well informed.

Sodium is a poison, Chloride is a poison, but sodium chloride is just table salt, basically harmless. Aluminum is also found in your deodorant, does that cause autism too? And MSG is famously used in lots of food products, also totally harmless. Unless you're willing to tell us where you got your degree in Chemistry (and if you have one you should probably try to get a refund), you should probably shut up right about now.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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And once again more ignorant bullshit from Spartan. Did you sleep all the way through high school chemistry? Just throwing out chemical names doesn't mean a damn thing, fool.

Sodium is a poison, Chloride is a poison, but sodium chloride is just salt, basically harmless. Unless you're willing to tell us where you got your degree in Chemistry, you should probably shut up right about now.
Your stupidity knows no bounds. I didn't throw out those names. They were taken from the CDC website. You could not be more clueless.

Do me a favor. Go to your doctor tomorrow and get a dozen or 2 vaccine shots. Then go home, dig a hole and crawl in it to die and I wish every pro vaccine person on the planet who is as willfully ignorant as you will do the same.
