As some of you may or may not know I’ve had anxiety / depression for quite some time and after seeing how CBD oil really reduced my brother’s joint pain (he has an auto immune disease that causes him some pretty bad joint pain) I did some research and noticed it is supposed to help with anxiety as well. I am heading over to the local hemp shop either tomorrow or Friday and was wondering if anybody here knew of any specific products they would recommend to help with anxiety. Thanks in advance guys.
The trick is not to over use it, and to be mindful of your sleep schedule. I even recommend a cap at 3-4 nights per week to prevent melatonin depletion.
Blue Dream and a few others have been proven effective for depression. If you can treat it like a medication that is taken on your schedule its best. (if you start at 6 p.m., bump a couple times, you'll likely be out at 9 or 10 and have a full nights rest. Also helping anxiety. No hangover or light.
Prepare yourself for the munchies by stockpiling healthy snacks. Your mind will be experiencing foods for the first time in this mind state so have a little fun with it. Lime popscicles, greek yogurt, berries, dark chocolate...
Practicing mindful meditation a few minutes before use will help treat the problem, and ensure you are taking it seriously, and working on another avenue without drugs to get at root of problem. Something to add to your toolbox.
Basically CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is reshaping your thought patterns into the patterns of a healthy happy mind and severing the bad ones we are prone to in this modern lifestyle and media/ad/social attack. This is the most proven way by peer tested science to address anxiety/depression spectrum issues.
Mindfulness, or mindful meditation is just a variation of CBT...and you want them in your toolbox to face this life.