The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than BG


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Apr 5, 2009
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So in honor of all those gone but not forgotten teammates, let's use the occasion to rank the ex-Bulls in terms of which guys fans would most like to have back on the team right now, salaries included.

1. Shannon Brown, Lakers: How clutch would it have been if the Bulls had the foresight to keep this Maywood native around? Brown has brought eye-popping athleticism and long-range shooting off the Lakers' bench. In the Bulls' defense, they were overloaded with guards in the summer of 2008 without re-signing Brown.

2. Jamal Crawford, Hawks: This is the first time since he left in 2004 that Crawford would be anywhere near the top of this list, but his instant offense would be useful now.

3. Ben Gordon, Pistons: His contract ($11.5 million per season) pushes Gordon to the third spot. If the Bulls whiff on LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Joe Johnson next summer, he'll rise to No. 1 and probably stay there a while.

4. Matt Bonner, Spurs: Never played for the Bulls, but was their second-round draft pick in 2003. Maybe he wouldn't be shooting .450 from 3-point range without Tim Duncan on his team, but the Bulls need some long-range help.

5. Joe Smith, Hawks: When Tyrus Thomas went out with a broken arm, the Bulls were left a big man short. He might not play Saturday because of a thumb injury.

6. J.R. Smith, Nuggets: Another who never played for the Bulls, but they owned his rights for about two weeks in the summer of 2006. A streak shooter who scored 15 points in the final 13 minutes of the Bulls' loss at Denver on Nov. 21.

7. Ron Artest, Lakers: His entertainment value is reason enough to bring him back, but Artest could also supply toughness and outside shooting.

8. Darius Songaila, Hornets: Not much for defense, but Songaila was always good for about 10 points per game, something the Bulls could use right now.

9. Roger Mason Jr., Spurs: Not playing as much this season, but he's hit several clutch shots for San Antonio the past few seasons. The late-game hero role is wide open on the Bulls right now.

10. Tyson Chandler, Bobcats: Still hasn't shown much skill development. His contract runs out after next season, which makes him more attractive.

11: Thabo Sefolosha, Thunder: He's better off with Kevin Durant and company, anyway.

12. Andres Nocioni, Kings: Even if John Salmons is not hitting shots, he's still a better defender than Nocioni.

13: Malik Allen, Nuggets: Yes, this steady veteran is still logging four minutes a game in Denver.

14. Drew Gooden, Mavs: A talented player. Not sure if being the best he can be is at the top of his priority list.

15. Chris Duhon, Knicks: With Derrick Rose here, why bother?

16. Trenton Hassell, Nets: This Jerry Krause second-round pick is in his ninth NBA season.

17. Stephen Graham, Bobcats: If he could hit an outside shot more often, he'd be a nice role player.

18. Elton Brand, Sixers: Judged simply as a player, Brand would be a terrific addition. The $51 million left on his contract beyond this season makes him toxic trade bait.

19. Tim Thomas, Mavs: He's played in 10 of 26 games for Dallas. Nice work if you can get it.

20. Eddy Curry, Knicks: Didn't look so good against the Bulls on Thursday, though it's tough to judge based on 31/2 minutes.

21. Ben Wallace, Pistons: Whether he can still rebound or not, Bulls don't need a reminder of how much money they spent for one decent season from Big Ben.

22. Larry Hughes: Would he pass the ball to Derrick Rose on the fast break if given a second chance?

Got to love the media. They would rather have two backups back than BG. Absolutely ridiculous. They cite salary reasons and 2010 but still put crawford over BG despite the fact that BG only makes 640k more a year and Crawford would still ruin 2010. They fail to mention that adding any player off the list except expiring hurt 2010.


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Mar 31, 2009
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Also, why is Crawford #2. He also left to get his big payday, when the Bulls didnt want to pay him. It's amazing how people respect Crawford now cause he is a #3-4 option a winning team, when he was the anti-christ when he was here and in New York. He is the same player now, as he was then! He just wasnt good enough to lead a team, just like BG. Just watch, if BG is ever on a winning team again, his reputation will change dramatically, because he will be a HUGE part of a team as a 3rd or 4th component.

st. park

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Mar 31, 2009
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Re:The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than

Yea it's ridiculous how some people are unable to take into consideration context when evaluating players. I know that winning is the primary goal, but you don't judge a player (particularly a non-superstar) simply based upon his team's performance. I remember when people would criticize Gasol when he was Memphis... LOL, look at Gasol now.


I ain't your pal dickface
Mar 30, 2009
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Re:The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than

I'm honestly dumbfounded by this list. It's probably the most idiotic sports article I've seen in Chicago this year, & there were ALOT. Fans would rather have a scrub who can dunk or a chucker with worse D than Hedo Turkoglu than BG. Riiiiiiiight.

And of course we would want Matt Bonner over Brand, Nocioni, Artest, JR Smith, & Duhon. :woohoo:


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Apr 5, 2009
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Re:The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than

Its just beyond stupid. They can't even get the financial implications right. Why is ruining 2010 only listed for BG. Almost all those deals would ruin 2010 as any non expiring deal would. Furthermore, Ben Wallace isn't on a bad deal anymore and is listed second to last despite being an average center. Who wouldn't want Wallace for the minimum? The minimum for a defensive center who still gets you 10rpg and over a block and steal a game.


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Re:The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than

This is why you can't take the thing about Hinrich being the best Bull of the decade seriously. These guys don't know that they're talking about.


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Apr 5, 2009
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Re:The Drones want Brown and JCrawf back more than

clonetrooper264 wrote:
This is why you can't take the thing about Hinrich being the best Bull of the decade seriously. These guys don't know that they're talking about.

Eh, I guess its too much to expect a professional journalist to fact check and write something intelligent.
