Here is one thing that stood out to me in the 'fact checker' article.
The rich are are not consuming at a rate comensurate to the working class in regards to income versus payment for goods and services. I won't have to pay income taxes anymore (good) but I still only make $30,000 a year and it costs me $25,000 to $30,000 a year to 'live'. Housing, utilities, transportation, food, entertainment, etc. How am I supposed to save money in that model? It will just perpetuate the cycle of indentured servitude and the America dream will be impossible to achieve.
The other concern I have about the concept is this: are taxes paid on consumption of raw goods and materials? If so, is this why consumption taxes of end users should not be a factor in pricing? I would think it would go the other way in that model. The producer would levy their raw material tax costs on to the end consumer with a greater retail price. Don't you think?