What makes it "military"?
Anyhow, ketosis is your friend. Understand how it works, and how to achieve it. Also understand that you can go to extremes with ketosis or you can go mild, and I don't suggest going to extremes without understanding how your body reacts.
I would take this a step further and say generally, if you have a lot of weight that you need to lose rapidly...the health benefits of quickly shedding that weight is worth the possible negative impacts of being in a state of ketosis. But it should not be a sustained long term thing. Everyone wants things fast, I get that. But my personal recommendation would be to this kind of plan in a sparing / short term way. Once you've achieved substantial weight loss, flipping over to a diet where you simply don't eat like an asshole (monitor kcal, macro split, eat clean) and settle into the "healthy" 1-2 pounds of fat loss per week that is typical. Not only from a physical / health perspective, but also a psychological one as well. Dieting is something IMHO is that is often seen as a short term / temporary thing. Where developing good eating habits is something that really should be a lifetime endeavor. That means it needs to be manageable over the long term.
In short....
- Use ketosis to quickly shed some weight and get yourself on a much better place physically.
- Once you're there, eat at / slightly below / slightly above maintenance (this depends on your goals)...e.g. shedding more weight, building muscle etc.
- Don't eat shitty / processed food.
- Give yourself some room to **** up...even plan "fucking up". Looking forward to cheese pizza one meal a week makes it taste better and has serious psychological benefits. If you happen to fall off the wagon a little, don't make that an excuse for a complete downward spiral. Meaning, if you eat some ice cream when you really shouldn't have...don't proceed to finish the whole half gallon because you fucked up anyways. Right back on that horse.
That's my 2 cents anyways. Not a doctor or a nutritionist. But this kind of pattern has worked well for me.