The plays that changed the Super Bowl for the Chiefs


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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:17 - You can't quite see it on this angle but Mahomes and Hardman not on the same page here on a key early 3rd and 8. Hit that and you are probably looking at points on the Chiefs first drive.

:55 - Mahomes evades the rush which will be a constant theme and flicks it 40 yards downfield on 3rd and 11. Hill's view is obscured a bit by a defender and the ball goes straight thru his hands and hits in the fact for what could have been a TD.

3:39 - Another 3rd down and this time it is the reliable Kelce that drops the pass after Mahomes evades the rush yet again and delivers a good ball.

4:07 - Brady throws a pick but the call is holding. I thought this flag questionable as yes the defender made contact but the WR pretty much tosses the defender to the side. So for me you either let it go or both guys committed penalties on that play. This ultimate led to a TD.

4:17 - Absolutely horrifically dumb penalty by the Chiefs results in 3 points turning into 7 points. Keeping in mind that without the flag on the Brady pick, Bucs would have scored 0 points.

5:47 - Probably the biggest play in the game. This looks like PI in real time but in slow motion, Evans actually trips himself up before the Chiefs defender falls an makes contact. There is just no way Evans was going to catch the ball as he was already stumbling due to tripping himself up before the contact.

5:59 - Brady's check obviously cleared because after the questionable PI call early, the refs double down as this pass by Brady is in no way catchable. To be fair, there was contact here but the ball is like 12 feet above the 6-5 Evans.

It could have easily 10-7 at the half in favor of the Chiefs if Hill comes down with the TD and questionable holding and PI calls don't ultimately lead to 14 Bucs points.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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7:27 - Mahomes once again evades the rush but I have no idea what Hill is doing on this play. He was way past the first down marker and instead of coming back to the ball, he is actually just casually waiting on it which allows the defender to come thru him and knock it causing an Int. A truly lazy play by Hill on 3rd and 14.

8:43 - This 2 play sequence was indicative of the night for chiefs and 2 of the greatest throws you will see Mahomes make. On 3rd and 9 he miraculously avoids the rush and throws it were only the WR can make a play. What you don't quite see here is the WR gets hooked and turned around by the defender but the refs don't call a flag. Given how eager they have been to call it on the Chiefs, this is a curious decision. Next up on 4th and 9, Mahomes once again avoids the rush somehow and throws the ball parallel to the ground. It once again goes through the receiver's hands and hits him in the face in the end zone.

10:51 - Pretty much the last real chance of the game and once again, Hill makes a lazy play on 4 and 10. Mahomes once again evades the rush and throws a nice pass but for the 2nd time, Hill fails to attack the ball and lets a defender run right pass him to break it up. If Hill attacks this ball, it is caught or the defender has to commit PI to knock it away.

Really and truly the only 2 guys on O that appeared to show up for this game was Mahomes and Kelce. I have no idea what the OL was doing giving up a Super Bowl record 29 pressures and his receivers wasted miraculously scrambles and throws by Mahomes by dropping passes or being lazy in going after the football. The refs also did the Chiefs as at halftime Boomer and another announcer noted that the refs were too involved in favor of the Pats and then kept the flag in their pocket on a key 3rd and 9 in the end zone. Pretty much all the calls went the Bucs way.

With all that said, the Bucs played great on both sides of the ball so it would have been an uphill battle for the Chiefs either way but we probably missed out on a riveting Super Bowl because of Chiefs miscues and one sided officiating.
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Oct 27, 2020
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The 2 plays that stood out to me are the 4th and 5 punt offsides penalty that gave Bucs a 1st down and as you said, 7 points instead of 0.

Also, Chiefs inexplicably calling timeout with 30 seconds left in 1st half, Bucs were ready to take a knee and go into the locker room. But the Chiefs called a time out and then the Bucs scored a TD LMAO! They got Nagy’d!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Here is that Evans PI call in slow mo. You can see where Evans clips his foot on the grass before contact is made by the Chiefs defender. That is not PI as Evans had no chance at the ball as he was already stumbling and the ball was overthrown.

So again that is 14 1st half points the refs gifted the Bucs. Should really have only had 7 going into the half not 21.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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And the follow up to the PI call on Evans. I know Evans is 6-5 but there really is no way he can get to this ball. Matthieu has already forced him to far wide before the contact and Brady throws it way too high and to the inside for Evans to be able to get to this.

Nail Polish

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Aug 20, 2012
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When the OP says....

Plays that "CHANGED" the Superbowl for the Chiefs. That would indicate that at some point, the Chiefs actually had the game in hand and somehow it turned in favor of the Bucs.

Thats not true..The Bucs were in Control of that game from the very first TD they scored


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Aug 24, 2012
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Here is that Evans PI call in slow mo. You can see where Evans clips his foot on the grass before contact is made by the Chiefs defender. That is not PI as Evans had no chance at the ball as he was already stumbling and the ball was overthrown.

So again that is 14 1st half points the refs gifted the Bucs. Should really have only had 7 going into the half not 21.

you're right dragging your foot is not PI.. but the defender diving and hitting the right foot of the WR making it so he can not dive to catch a ball is..

Mahomes had a shit game.. its ok you will get over it


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Aug 24, 2012
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And the follow up to the PI call on Evans. I know Evans is 6-5 but there really is no way he can get to this ball. Matthieu has already forced him to far wide before the contact and Brady throws it way too high and to the inside for Evans to be able to get to this.
pushing a WR off his route 12 yards down field is the definition of PI.. but if you want to make the argument that it happened before the ball was thrown then OK.. Maybe it should of been half the distance and a 1st down.. This does not change the fact that Mahomes had a shit game


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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pushing a WR off his route 12 yards down field is the definition of PI.. but if you want to make the argument that it happened before the ball was thrown then OK.. Maybe it should of been half the distance and a 1st down.. This does not change the fact that Mahomes had a shit game

No I am arguing the ball was not catchable. I said there was contact but as it was PI, the refs deemed the contact to have happened when the ball was in the air and there is no way that the ball was actually catchable. If it was then yes it would be PI. D holding is only relevant if the ball was not already out but since it was out it can only be PI or in this case deemed uncatchable so no PI despite the contact.

The reason the ball was not catchable is not because of the PI. It was because Evans responds to Matthieu's inside leverage by take moving outside while Brady is already throwing the ball to the inside and high as fuck.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Tom... 125
Pat... 52

I believe at one point KC was 0-9 on 3rd down.

It was just a terrible game for KC... it happens.

Pretty much every key drop or lazy route running by the Chiefs happened on 3rd or 4th down. So that is a large reason they sucked on those downs.


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Aug 24, 2012
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No I am arguing the ball was not catchable. I said there was contact but as it was PI, the refs deemed the contact to have happened when the ball was in the air and there is no way that the ball was actually catchable. If it was then yes it would be PI.

The reason the ball was not catchable is not because of the PI. It was because Evans responds to Matthieu's inside leverage by take moving outside while Brady is already throwing the ball to the inside and high as fuck.

contact was made before the ball was thrown the correct call should of ended in half the distance and a first down.. so if the correct call was made this changes nothing.. we are talking about the best QB in the history of the NFL and a total of about 3 yard difference.

Your argument is stupid.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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contact was made before the ball was thrown the correct call should of ended in half the distance and a first down.. so if the correct call was made this changes nothing.. we are talking about the best QB in the history of the NFL and a total of about 3 yard difference.

Your argument is stupid.

You are now moving goalposts. First you claimed I was saying that Matthieu didn't make contact. Now when told the pass was uncatchable, you now change to saying it was defensive holding. The refs did not claim contact was made before the ball was thrown so that argument is moot.

The intent of Def holding is for when a foul occurs prior to the QB making his decision to throw the ball as the argument is the hold may have influenced where the QB decided to throw the ball. In this play, Brady has already committed to throwing to Evans before contact so holding does not apply. At best you can argue that the contact is just as Brady is throwing but it was clearly not before.

Finally, you are ignoring the fact that as per post 5, the only reason they are down there is because of a PI call where Evans tripped himself prior to contact so the issue is this is 2 very questionable calls in quick succession that led to 7 points.

So let's see if you can answer these 2 questions honestly.

1. Did Evans trip on the grass prior to contact on the first PI call?

2. Was the ball Brady threw catchable or not?


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Dec 29, 2015
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The standards for not catchable are ridiculously narrow. You see that call made a handful of times per year.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The standards for not catchable are ridiculously narrow. You see that call made a handful of times per year.

Agreed and that would be a better argument than claiming it was defensive holding. However I will still point out that my bigger issue is the 2 penalties in quick succession at the end of the half were grossly generous to the Bucs. Hence why at halftime the announcers made a point of saying the refs were too involved and gave the Bucs an edge. Not like Boomer is a Bucs or Brady hater. Any objective assessment of the refs would say the calls were heavily skewed in Pats favor. Doesn't mean they wouldn't have won but just calling a spade a spade.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Just to show the inconsistency. At 2:12:50, two Bucs defenders put their hands on Pringle impeding his progress but no flag. The 2nd guy literally grabs his hand and pulls it down as he is falling causing Pringle to stumble and with the ball in the air but instead of 1st and goal at 1, it is 4th and 9.

I am not sure how you could call PI against the Chiefs then not do it here. It is almost as if the refs were watching Mahomes crazy scramble and wasn't paying attention to Pringle getting fouled in the end zone.


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Aug 24, 2012
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You are now moving goalposts. First you claimed I was saying that Matthieu didn't make contact. Now when told the pass was uncatchable, you now change to saying it was defensive holding. The refs did not claim contact was made before the ball was thrown so that argument is moot.

Im not moving the goal posts, no matter where the goal posts are you missed. I never claimed that you said Matthieu didnt make contact. You must be thinking of another poster.

I know the refs did not claim that contact was made before the ball was thrown. You said that a bad call led to a TD and that changed the outcome of the superbowl, and then posted a video showing that it was a bad call. When in reality it shows that the actual call should of ended in a difference of a few yards and still 1st and goal.

The intent of Def holding is for when a foul occurs prior to the QB making his decision to throw the ball as the argument is the hold may have influenced where the QB decided to throw the ball.

this is all bs that is in your mind and is not an NFL rule. LOL at the refs have to be mind readers to know the QB decision making. of all the absurd things to post..

Finally, you are ignoring the fact that as per post 5, the only reason they are down there is because of a PI call where Evans tripped himself prior to contact so the issue is this is 2 very questionable calls in quick succession that led to 7 points.
nope I'm not ignoring anything, I addressed this is post 9

So let's see if you can answer these 2 questions honestly.

1. Did Evans trip on the grass prior to contact on the first PI call?

2. Was the ball Brady threw catchable or not?

1- No he did not trip when his foot dragged on the grass, he tripped after the defender dove and hit his right hip and then his right foot causing him to stumble and that was the reason for the PI

2- yes it was. You can not have PI the reason it was not catchable otherwise every defender would just tackle the WR in every deep ball as soon as the ball is out of the QB hand.. IF the WR is tackled then the ball would be no where near them so "uncatchable" and no PI lol
Its a judgment call on the ref to determine if there was no PI would the WR have a reasonable chance to make the catch yes or no. And in this instance if the WR was not pushed and blocked off his route it would be reasonable to assume that he could of made that catch.

Its all pointless as I have said.. lets give you the benefit of the doubt here and take away 7 points.. did the bucks still score more then 9? Its absurd to be arguing this. Mahomes played like complete garbage so arguing about a couple of calls in a complete blowout is just sour grapes..
