The team is not serious


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Why should they care? For mccaskeys bears are nothing more than their business. This is what fuels their pocket books. They aren’t business magnates like other owners. This franchise isn’t their toy it’s their meal ticket. So eating 20 mil even though it makes sense doesn’t to people that depend on every penny the franchise generates. Also factor in the lovable loser fan base accepts and celebrates losing. This franchise isn’t about winning or pride it’s about $$$


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2020
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I said at the bye week that anything less than a full house cleaning would be an abject failure of the entire Bears organization but if they made the playoffs I could see why they would continue .


Active member
Nov 18, 2010
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You do realize that the McCaskeys do spend. The spend as much as every team in the NFL
There seems to be a misunderstanding about how much is spent on a team. The players salaries are capped. The rest of the salaries are not capped. Firing Pace would cost the Bears the salary for 2 GMs, plus whatever severance pay a GM gets. Firing Nagy would cost them 2 years salary for 2 HCs, plus whatever severance pay Nagy gets in his contract. Then this goes down to whatever assistants the new GM and HC would want. Doing all this duplication of salaries in a Covid reduced income year, makes it far easier to just keep the staff for another year. Then next year, when net income is back to normal, the McCaskeys can dismiss the staff as they see fit.
That's probably why Ted Phillips didn't retire. They could delay his retirement for another year and not have to pay for an additional President. Pagano retired, versus being fired. Thus he probably got a payout over time, rather than a lump sum amount.
Ted Phillips and McCaskey made business decisions based on the current cash situation. They didn't use the fan enthusiasm as the primary factor. Yes, the team makes higher net revenue IF the Bears do well, but in a down year, they probably felt they needed the cash for family/owner distributions more than they need the potential future revenues that would increase IF the Bears could field a better team.
It's kind of the bird in the hand, versus the bird in the bush.
As a fan, I want the team to do better. But if I was receiving a distribution, I'd want that this year.


Pissing people off the right way!
Jul 15, 2012
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In the stratosphere
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  1. Chicago Bulls
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  2. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
There seems to be a misunderstanding about how much is spent on a team. The players salaries are capped. The rest of the salaries are not capped. Firing Pace would cost the Bears the salary for 2 GMs, plus whatever severance pay a GM gets. Firing Nagy would cost them 2 years salary for 2 HCs, plus whatever severance pay Nagy gets in his contract. Then this goes down to whatever assistants the new GM and HC would want. Doing all this duplication of salaries in a Covid reduced income year, makes it far easier to just keep the staff for another year. Then next year, when net income is back to normal, the McCaskeys can dismiss the staff as they see fit.
That's probably why Ted Phillips didn't retire. They could delay his retirement for another year and not have to pay for an additional President. Pagano retired, versus being fired. Thus he probably got a payout over time, rather than a lump sum amount.
Ted Phillips and McCaskey made business decisions based on the current cash situation. They didn't use the fan enthusiasm as the primary factor. Yes, the team makes higher net revenue IF the Bears do well, but in a down year, they probably felt they needed the cash for family/owner distributions more than they need the potential future revenues that would increase IF the Bears could field a better team.
It's kind of the bird in the hand, versus the bird in the bush.
As a fan, I want the team to do better. But if I was receiving a distribution, I'd want that this year.
The Bears have plenty of money to fire the whole staff if they wanted to.


Simply a Bears fan
Aug 4, 2013
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
You do realize that the McCaskeys do spend. The spend as much as every team in the NFL
You are absolutely correct. The Bears spend as much as all the other teams on players, because it is mandated by the CBA and regulated by the Cap.
Where the Bears get cheap is their Coaching and Front Office staff, which is not regulated and not subject to the Cap. They do not upgrade their staff to keep a competitive group on hand. They stick with failures because the only option is to pay them to not coach. The only times they have deferred from this is when the fired Lovie with a Year left and Trestman with two and Fox with one. Emery got the ax too for being a failure. Now we see them returning to the old days of having lame ducks in charge. Cannot be paying guys to sit on the couch. GMs and Coaches have guaranteed contracts. There may be offsets if they get hired elsewhere though.
I have felt all year this was going to be the case. Pace and Nagy were always going to get a pass on this season.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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lol, anyone with a fundamental understanding of professional athletics and specifically the NFL knows this playoff campaign was a bunch of bullshit. you can all go on about how that 7th seed addition is permanent and they're going to go full MLB dickhead and change the format some more next season, we all know the Bears didn't belong in the playoffs and the 7th seed is basically make belief.

kind of like NCAA. it's not real and it doesn't count.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Cleaning house would have cost too much money guys:

Virginia Halas McCaskey and Family, Chicago Bears: $1.3 Billion Net Worth
  • Owner since: 1920
  • How much they purchased the team for: $100
  • How much the team is worth: $3.5 billion
Few teams have a longer and prouder lineage than the Chicago Bears, whose 1,000-game history began in 1920 — the franchise is one of only two remaining charter members of the National Football League. That year, George Halas bought the team for $100 — three years before his daughter Virginia was born in 1923. The oldest owner in the NFL, Virginia Halas McCaskey — whose net worth Forbes estimated at $1.3 billion in 2015 — is among the only owners whose family fortune comes directly from owning a team, as opposed to buying a team after becoming independently wealthy.

I mean if they fired everyone .....instead of being worth $1.3billion they’d only be worth $1.3billion


Pissing people off the right way!
Jul 15, 2012
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In the stratosphere
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Indiana Hoosiers
  2. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
You are absolutely correct. The Bears spend as much as all the other teams on players, because it is mandated by the CBA and regulated by the Cap.
Where the Bears get cheap is their Coaching and Front Office staff, which is not regulated and not subject to the Cap. They do not upgrade their staff to keep a competitive group on hand. They stick with failures because the only option is to pay them to not coach. The only times they have deferred from this is when the fired Lovie with a Year left and Trestman with two and Fox with one. Emery got the ax too for being a failure. Now we see them returning to the old days of having lame ducks in charge. Cannot be paying guys to sit on the couch. GMs and Coaches have guaranteed contracts. There may be offsets if they get hired elsewhere though.
I have felt all year this was going to be the case. Pace and Nagy were always going to get a pass on this season.
And Dick Jauron, Dave Wanstadt, Mike Ditka, Abe Gibron,


Pissing people off the right way!
Jul 15, 2012
Liked Posts:
In the stratosphere
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Indiana Hoosiers
  2. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Cleaning house would have cost too much money guys:

Virginia Halas McCaskey and Family, Chicago Bears: $1.3 Billion Net Worth
  • Owner since: 1920
  • How much they purchased the team for: $100
  • How much the team is worth: $3.5 billion
Few teams have a longer and prouder lineage than the Chicago Bears, whose 1,000-game history began in 1920 — the franchise is one of only two remaining charter members of the National Football League. That year, George Halas bought the team for $100 — three years before his daughter Virginia was born in 1923. The oldest owner in the NFL, Virginia Halas McCaskey — whose net worth Forbes estimated at $1.3 billion in 2015 — is among the only owners whose family fortune comes directly from owning a team, as opposed to buying a team after becoming independently wealthy.

I mean if they fired everyone .....instead of being worth $1.3billion they’d only be worth $1.3billion
It was not about the money....that was the only true statement I heard.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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Yes, I do. There is difference between throwing good money after bad. ( Pace questionable cap spending ). Also investment in front office quality personel on football operations side, from team president all the way to janitor.
Leave the fucking janitor alone breh he prolly has 2 or 3 kids an ex wife and alimony ta pay poor bastards just trying ta survive


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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The State that is Ill...
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
There's NOTHING that was said at the press conference yesterday, that makes me confident about anything regarding next season.

They let one BUMASS coach go. Oh, I'm sorry....."retire". Hoo fucking rah. They let the other bums that are the MAIN problem stay, and then praised each other for their work during covid, and their 'sticking together' through a 6 game losing streak.

They ducked questions on contracts
They completely avoided talking about the problems with the offense
They laid out NO PLAN to address any need in the offseason

They gave us NOTHING.

I have never said this before, but I think I dislike this organization right now. There is NOTHING to look forward to next season, and that is very concerning...

