I don't want to sound heartless, but seriously, where were her fucking parents? i gathered from the notes that they were divorced. No excuse. they cared enough to get her on medication, thats great, but it stopped there? WTF? she drank bleach, and later O.D'ed on her meds, AND THAT DIDN'T RAISE A RED FUCKING FLAG?!?!?!?!?!?! I am sure her parents are destroyed.by this. Well, actually, no, I am not sure they are. While I don't know them and won't judge them, but seriously, wtf? i really hope they weren't wrapped up in their divorce or getting back at each other for petty shit.
Also, Amanda should have gone to the police as soon as the guy threatened her. I am pretty sure any pic of her would have been underage, and considered child porn, and the cops would have found that guy real quick. And the chick that beat her up? Yeah, press charges. Or at least have someone teach you how to hit.