Tired of Ditka...

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Dr. KickurButkus

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Nov 29, 2010
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North of the Border


Leddy > Cullimore
Dec 4, 2010
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Mike Ditka has a very entertaining personality along with being the only coach to lead us to a Superbowl Victory. Not to mention being one of the greatest players in NFL history, it is hard to not like the guy. I do agree that all the "meatballness" that goes along with the persona of "Da Coach" is very annoying.

Rex Jaybels

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Sep 8, 2010
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Milwaukee, WI
Mike Ditka has a very entertaining personality along with being the only coach to lead us to a Superbowl Victory. Not to mention being one of the greatest players in NFL history, it is hard to not like the guy. I do agree that all the "meatballness" that goes along with the persona of "Da Coach" is very annoying.

Maybe that's it. It's the way that ESPN uses him that bothers me the most. I don't dislike him necessarily.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Come on man. That's being nit picky. They were called the World Championships at the time and he won 5 of them. I think.

I'm stating that its a different NFL today. Yes Halas won 5 or so NFL Championships, but the accomplishment is different today than it is today. I consider the NFC Championship the equivalent to the NFL Championships of those days.


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Nov 22, 2010
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That's craziness. Football was much tougher back then and the players did it for free basically. You're totally disrespecting Papa Bear George Halas. Without him there would be no NFL.


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Apr 19, 2010
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That's craziness. Football was much tougher back then and the players did it for free basically. You're totally disrespecting Papa Bear George Halas. Without him there would be no NFL.

Please. Even with all the "No Fun League"-type rule changes in the modern era, today's NFL is undoubtedly much more physical and punishing than any era before it. With specialization in weight training and nutrition, today's NFL players are Ferrari's compared to the Model T's of past-era players.


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Nov 22, 2010
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Please. Even with all the "No Fun League"-type rule changes in the modern era, today's NFL is undoubtedly much more physical and punishing than any era before it. With specialization in weight training and nutrition, today's NFL players are Ferrari's compared to the Model T's of past-era players.

Haha, you tell that to Dick Butkus.


Leddy > Cullimore
Dec 4, 2010
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Haha, you tell that to Dick Butkus.

Why so Butkus could agree with him? There are players today twice the size of Dick Butkus and 5 times as fast. Mass x Acceleration = Force. Think what Julius Peppers could do to 220 pound offensive tackle whose diet consisted of corned beef and beer. Not to disrespect the players from the past but today's league is played by players much stronger and faster.


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Nov 22, 2010
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Well, of course they are but back then they didn't wear helmets or pads so it all equalizes itself out. I have incredible respect for the old timers. Players today are too concerned with how many millions of dollars they're gonna make and breaking fingernails.

That's why I love Brett Favre. The guy is a warrior. He's a helluva lot tougher than Brian Urlacher.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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The Super Bowl was formed out of the AFL vs NFL. The leagues merged and every AFL team is in today's AFC. A few NFL teams moved to the AFC. Thus I consider it my way no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

That's craziness. Football was much tougher back then and the players did it for free basically. You're totally disrespecting Papa Bear George Halas. Without him there would be no NFL.

Sure football was much tougher..but I think today its alot harder to get to the Super Bowl than it was back then. The NFL is a hell alot more talented than it was back then. Dont get me wrong, there were talented men playing back then, but today there are alot more. Now Halas put together some good teams, and no disrespect to him, but his best years were in the 40's when most men were at war and somehow Halas got guys who didnt go to war and the Bears ran away with championships during that time. I give him credit for what he did during that time, but in a way he was ahead of the game. Once football became more popular in the late 1960's, and teams figured out how to run themselves, and rules changed the Bears were in the dumps with awful awful teams and would be until they hired an intelligent GM in Jim Finks, who built the 80's Bears.

I just think its harder to get to the Super Bowl today and to a build a team today then it was back then. Back then, Chicago was a large market, which alone would attract better talent as Chicago could also afford to pay its players a bit more than other teams (Though Halas was known as being cheap), and there was no salary cap and free agency rules that basically has most teams as being one and done with Super Bowls.


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Nov 22, 2010
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Well, I don't take any of this personally and I hope nobody else does either. I like to say that sports is life but really it's just a game. The Bears are almost more important to me than my children though. I wouldn't want to see my kids grow up to be losers either. I do wonder what everyone thought of Lovie, Jay Cutler and the Bears last season finishing 7-9 and getting destroyed in the division by Green Bay and Minnesota. I'm not discriminating though, I've hated every Bears head coach since Ditka. I just want them to be a dominant force in the NFL.

Doesn't everybody want the Cubs to win the World Series too? Not that it's ever going to happen but that is the goal every year.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Well, I don't take any of this personally and I hope nobody else does either. I like to say that sports is life but really it's just a game. The Bears are almost more important to me than my children though. I wouldn't want to see my kids grow up to be losers either. I do wonder what everyone thought of Lovie, Jay Cutler and the Bears last season finishing 7-9 and getting destroyed in the division by Green Bay and Minnesota. I'm not discriminating though, I've hated every Bears head coach since Ditka. I just want them to be a dominant force in the NFL.

Starting in 2007, I grew a disklike for Lovie...I began to go sour on him during the 2006 season, but put aside anything because they went to the Super Bowl. When he was given more personnel control after the Super Bowl and fired coaches that didnt need to be fired...and then we saw the result of that, I turned on him. After last season I wanted him fired. Now that the Bears are 9-3, and seemingly are making "smart" coaching decisions the majority of the time (Theres still boneheaded moves and challenges though). The more I think about it though is that this season none of our key players on defense have suffered injuries. Pisa is the first starter to suffer an extended injury. Briggs missed one game and we lost (Defense played like crap), and Briggs basically missed the Redskins game and we lost that too (We lost that game because Lovie didnt challenge Cutler's shoulda been touchdown and then Cutler throwing 4 interceptions to the same guy)

Doesn't everybody want the Cubs to win the World Series too?

I don't think White Sox fans do.

getting destroyed in the division by Green Bay and Minnesota.

I'm curious as to what you classify as being destroyed by GB and Minnesota is...The game in Minnesota...absolutely was destruction. Against Green Bay though the Bears had leads in the 4th quarter in both games and lost 21-15 in GB and lost 21-14 at home. So I fail to see how GB destroyed us in those games. And then also, we beat Minnesota in OT at home, so that game was not Minnesota destroying us.
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