You think that the Sox fans should just be banned?
I think you should be banned for being the cancer of CCS you juvenile clown.
Me? But I'm a premium member here on CCS.
Please try and keep the thread on topic and save the off topic stuff for Slack.
I invented that. Please don't ruin it by using it. Thanks.
I invented "premium member", Billy boy.You didn't "invent" shit, Johnny boy.
This ^^^Stfu tribar
But I'm not tribar so it doesn't make sense.
Does tribar still post here?
I haven't seen tribar around lately.
Who's tribar?
So I've heard. Not sure why you called me tribar though.
But you admitted it yourself.
So tribar is a compulsive liar?
That's a shame.
A compulsive liar who won't stfu
I don't think it's so much a compulsion of dishonesty, as it is the desperate need to fit in.
Tribar/crm is still a thing?
I think he got banned again. We'd know for sure, except the TotB thread has been abandoned by the mods.