Two statistical notes from Tampa game...Trubisky and Bears LBs


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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Good stuff Rory. Definitely thought that Trubisky and Nagy were definitely connecting and seeing the same thing throughout the whole game. I do agree that the pocket presence when getting pressured will be the next big hurdle for Trubisky. He had all day yesterday to throw and made the Bucs pay dearly for it. I'd like to see him continue improving and making great throws while being pressured. I think the most encouraging thing too was that Trubisky was hitting the deep balls. He underthrew the ball to Robinson (only one I can remember) and even then, I thought Robinson still had a chance at it if he came back to the ball and attacked instead of waiting on it. At worst, he could have tried to draw the PI.

For Floyd, while I do think he hasn't been as advertised for a pass rush, he's done some pretty good stuff in coverage. He had an awesome Pass Deflection yesterday where he jumped like 9 feet in the air to bat it out about 6 yards deep. He should be getting a bit more pressure on the QB though given that he should have way more one on ones. I'm hoping that the hand injury is what's holding him back in terms of pass rush and hopefully Mack's teaching him a thing or two so come after the bye week, Floyd starts picking things up. He'll be healthy (hopefully) by then.


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Apr 24, 2013
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Somewhat lost in all this - we worried about covering Evans and Jackson, especially with a starting CB out with injury.

Getting behind early and needing to throw, Fitz should have had big numbers. But we shut them down (until garbage time when Winston had 145 in a half)

Good job all around by the D.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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We'll see, but at this point if nothing really changes, I wouldn't offer the 5th year option. I honestly think you can draft a younger and cheaper (especially with Mack's contract) guy next year. You could probably find a guy that does AT LEAST what Floyd does in the mid rounds.

Here's a question: at this point in the season, if you have to sign either Floyd or Lynch to a contract extension, which would you chose?
Floyd, hands down. He, much like Roquan, in another thread is getting grief for just doing his job well. With Mack, DT, E Jackson, and Hicks tearing it up guys playing well are an afterthought. I want to see how he looks once the hand is fully healed. But he is a very good #2OLB.
