"Unidentified "History Channel


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I have full confidence that @gwharris2254 will grasp this with ease.

As 51Dresses would like us to believe is that .....SWELLING and An Increase In Mass ARE MUTUALLY EXclusive Thanks for that. I didn't know that was a NECESSARY condition for an increase in Mass
Go try on another dress and change your handle to 52Dresses. On second thought try on TWO so that you can remain ODD 53Dresses sounds Best TIA


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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As 51Dresses would like us to believe is that .....SWELLING and An Increase In Mass ARE MUTUALLY EXclusive Thanks for that. I didn't know that was a NECESSARY condition for an increase in Mass
Go try on another dress and change your handle to 52Dresses. On second thought try on TWO so that you can remain ODD 53Dresses sounds Best TIA
how much LSD do you take on average


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how much LSD do you take on average
ahhhhh... He8Me is back for the GW attack I see.

Usually take some barrel acid and follow it up with windowpane in the afternoon in that way when I dive into the pool it feels like I'm swimmin in gel and at night the crickets sound like I'm in Other Land

..... and OfC all you lefties grasping at straws with your vicious canines bared..... the above should be viewed ina "green" light


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So did any of my other usual "Chums" here at CCS happen to see last night's episode 2 ? I just viewed the recording

Episode Two gets a Big .... TWO Swells Up review from me

.... time to go lifting, Adios
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OBSERVATIONs episode 2

#1 ) Emphasis on LACK of Heat Signatures

#2 ) Form of Propulsion

#3 ) Defense in Case of Hostility

1. Zero IR detection Nada, Nothing. No heat signature at all at ANY speed.

Episode Two had the eyewitness stating : The object dropped from 28,000 feet to the Sea in 0.782 seconds
Doing the arithmetic this ..... IS ..... 24,412.927 mph.
We all have seen the Heat generated on many Sci-Fi flicks over our lifetimes on Re-Entry into our atmosphere.
The farther out, the "thinner" the FLUID....In this case the "fluid" happens to be gaseous and thin.

Re-entry at much slower speeds than 24 thou Requires Special panels because of the Incredible Heat. Now just Imagine the heat that would be generated by any conceivable existing Earth craft at the "thicker gaseous fluid" near to Sea Level AT 24,000 mph !!

ZERO heat sig Nothing ..... Mankind Observation of Phenomena .... Obviously the Unidentified is not colliding with molecules of atmosphere at any level from the sea. 100 mi, 50 mi, 10 mi, above Sea Level, 28,000 feet to 0 sea level Absolutely ZERO collisions with our atmospheric molecules.
Possible Explanation

Unidentified must be "parting" its way thru the gaseous fluid around our Earth ......
HOW ??
Possibly there is some type of mechanism on Unidentified that "Grabs" at the Space where there is Nothing Between the molecules and Parts The Sea like Moses. Ok, many of you may find that last assertion "hard to swallow" But please follow me with this line of exposition.

Have you ever gone thru a Beaded Doorway ??? Did you INTENTIONALLY blast thru the beads ? Or did you "part" the beads as you passed thru it ?? Hopefully No One here is like a Leftie in a China Closet. OK, we all part the beads AMIRITE ???

Possibly in the center of this UnEarthly craft is some type of mechanism that can anywhere 360 3D, part the gaseous fluid that surrounds us. Possibly that parting CREATEs a VACUUM of some type that the craft fills or flows into. Thus creating Propulsion.

2. Propulsion of What Type ??? I am speculating that the craft manipulates the fabric of mass generated fluctuations of space itself AND consequently "neutralizes" the effects Of Mass on gravitational fields near it. Somehow....which is up to US as a civilization to find out....it can part that gravitational field containing molecules of atmosphere, like a beaded doorway and FLOW into the Vacuum created instantaneously.... It is up to US to observe and then Imitate It somehow. Are we ready as a civilization to take this step ?? Maybe they are trying to SHOW US ????

I do not know how to "part" Jack except beads inna doorway. Can anyone here Walk between Raindrops ??

3. DEFENSE .... Raindrops of Water. Water is a fluid. Did anyone catch the statement that the submersed Triton class sub with the carrier group Pinged the craft going 70 mph Underwater ? ... as it went from 28,000 feet into the Sea ??

Why didn't it go 24 thousand mph into the Sea ? Observation
Obviously the ****** can't. Why Slow Down ??

i ) Water is a liquid and has loose bonds binding it all together in this form. Hard to Part ??

ii ) It didn't pick 1000mph or 500 mph ... it WENT 70 mph..... WE AS a CIVILIZATION Can do that speed Underwater !!
If there is Hostilities, We Can fight them ( The TicTacs ) Underwater. Spherical earthly tresspassers I'm not so sure of.

iii ) Shape of a TicTac is a tiny bit "aerodynamic" .... Let's call it "fluid-dynamic" Observation The craft Did Not Need an elliptical fluid-dynamic design to move in the gaseous fluid we call our atmosphere... No Heat Signature...
Could it be possible it needs the "elongation" from a sphere, like a TicTac's ellipticness (sp) in order to move thru LIQUIDs ??? I think so. The TicTacs are not as advanced as Spherical visitors. I could be wrong ofc. Maybe they can transmute to a sphere at any time.....OR maybe Spherical visitors NEVER go into the sea or do not need to move Fast in that fluid. I do not know.

iv ) Best Defense is a good Offense ? How to neutralize this threat if they become Hostile TicTacs

a) Underwater ... Possibly we can go at their speed in liquids because of the "limiting" nature of this fluid ...
b) Somehow torpedo or shoot the TicTac ... Kinda doubt we can do this with Civilization's stage of maturity ....
c) Disrupt its mechanism to "grab" onto inner space where no molecules are as it folds or warps or modifies the gravitational field and propels itself. Create some type of scrambler ??? BINGO
d ) Create a Projectile with a warped field around it that "melts" into the TicTac and neutralizes it ?
Shit, if we could do this we could make a craft like that TicTac, most likely.

Our Best Bet so far as I can see from my "limited" observations is Possibly we CAN Disrupt its ability to "Part" fluids.

How ??? OK. Thank you for following this Far, but come with me a little longer......

Presently, we have tandem earth orbiters that are continuously "mapping" out the fluctuations of gravity on Our Planet.
They have detected Anomalies in the Earth that illustrate "denser" Mass locations and minute shifts of gravity from the Earth itself. Some of these areas One for Instance, is hypothecated to have been the Meteorite that Struck the Earth and killed the dinosaurs thousands of years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula ( I'm going there to CanCun end of July BTW )

It has been purported to have been an Impact that created a consequent "denser" area that Has Been Mapped by that tandem of satellites. WE CAN detect minute changes in gravity.
If we can detect them MAYBE somehow we can ALTER them via some type of SCRAMBLER.
As a Civilization we need to Proceed Post Haste in developing such a Mechanism

OK. I can hear it already from the peanut gallery.

If They Are So Advanced, then why would they become HOSTILE ( AMIRITE ) ?

If then statement. Since they are advanced THEREFORE they are Not Hostile DO WE KNOW THIS IS A TRUE Conclusion ? True In All Cases ???

Just Look at the Lefties. You know Who You ARE. Look in the Mirror and SAY ... " I know they will NOT attack US "

The split Amongst US illustrates exactly the Nature of Our Being..... Is it Any Being ?? I sure Hope Not, because if they are like US we are screwed if they become Hostile at this time.

My Last Question to Any out there is this.

Do you think that ANY Being out there has the same Spectrum of Individuals from passive to hostile ( that includes mentally deranged ) ??

EVERYBODY should take note that this is a Threat to ALL OF US and while you at this final Observation
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Gustavus Adolphus

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Pretty arrogant to think that a. we are the only game in town, and b. that any alien civilization would want to visit us.


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Pretty arrogant to think that a. we are the only game in town, and b. that any alien civilization would want to visit us.

Did I ever say a or b ? A ... never said Only game in town, quite the contrary.
B ... Want to visit us ? They are here. Just Cover your head GA, WE Will ALL protect you too


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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OBSERVATIONs episode 2

#1 ) Emphasis on LACK of Heat Signatures

#2 ) Form of Propulsion

#3 ) Defense in Case of Hostility

1. Zero IR detection Nada, Nothing. No heat signature at all at ANY speed.

Episode Two had the eyewitness stating : The object dropped from 28,000 feet to the Sea in 0.782 seconds
Doing the arithmetic this ..... IS ..... 24,412.927 mph.
We all have seen the Heat generated on many Sci-Fi flicks over our lifetimes on Re-Entry into our atmosphere.
The farther out, the "thinner" the FLUID....In this case the "fluid" happens to be gaseous and thin.

Re-entry at much slower speeds than 24 thou Requires Special panels because of the Incredible Heat. Now just Imagine the heat that would be generated by any conceivable existing Earth craft at the "thicker gaseous fluid" near to Sea Level AT 24,000 mph !!

ZERO heat sig Nothing ..... Mankind Observation of Phenomena .... Obviously the Unidentified is not colliding with molecules of atmosphere at any level from the sea. 100 mi, 50 mi, 10 mi, above Sea Level, 28,000 feet to 0 sea level Absolutely ZERO collisions with our atmospheric molecules.
Possible Explanation

Unidentified must be "parting" its way thru the gaseous fluid around our Earth ......
HOW ??
Possibly there is some type of mechanism on Unidentified that "Grabs" at the Space where there is Nothing Between the molecules and Parts The Sea like Moses. Ok, many of you may find that last assertion "hard to swallow" But please follow me with this line of exposition.

Have you ever gone thru a Beaded Doorway ??? Did you INTENTIONALLY blast thru the beads ? Or did you "part" the beads as you passed thru it ?? Hopefully No One here is like a Leftie in a China Closet. OK, we all part the beads AMIRITE ???

Possibly in the center of this UnEarthly craft is some type of mechanism that can anywhere 360 3D, part the gaseous fluid that surrounds us. Possibly that parting CREATEs a VACUUM of some type that the craft fills or flows into. Thus creating Propulsion.

2. Propulsion of What Type ??? I am speculating that the craft manipulates the fabric of mass generated fluctuations of space itself AND consequently "neutralizes" the effects Of Mass on gravitational fields near it. Somehow....which is up to US as a civilization to find out....it can part that gravitational field containing molecules of atmosphere, like a beaded doorway and FLOW into the Vacuum created instantaneously.... It is up to US to observe and then Imitate It somehow. Are we ready as a civilization to take this step ?? Maybe they are trying to SHOW US ????

I do not know how to "part" Jack except beads inna doorway. Can anyone here Walk between Raindrops ??

3. DEFENSE .... Raindrops of Water. Water is a fluid. Did anyone catch the statement that the submersed Triton class sub with the carrier group Pinged the craft going 70 mph Underwater ? ... as it went from 28,000 feet into the Sea ??

Why didn't it go 24 thousand mph into the Sea ? Observation
Obviously the ****** can't. Why Slow Down ??

i ) Water is a liquid and has loose bonds binding it all together in this form. Hard to Part ??

ii ) It didn't pick 1000mph or 500 mph ... it WENT 70 mph..... WE AS a CIVILIZATION Can do that speed Underwater !!
If there is Hostilities, We Can fight them ( The TicTacs ) Underwater. Spherical earthly tresspassers I'm not so sure of.

iii ) Shape of a TicTac is a tiny bit "aerodynamic" .... Let's call it "fluid-dynamic" Observation The craft Did Not Need an elliptical fluid-dynamic design to move in the gaseous fluid we call our atmosphere... No Heat Signature...
Could it be possible it needs the "elongation" from a sphere, like a TicTac's ellipticness (sp) in order to move thru LIQUIDs ??? I think so. The TicTacs are not as advanced as Spherical visitors. I could be wrong ofc. Maybe they can transmute to a sphere at any time.....OR maybe Spherical visitors NEVER go into the sea or do not need to move Fast in that fluid. I do not know.

iv ) Best Defense is a good Offense ? How to neutralize this threat if they become Hostile TicTacs

a) Underwater ... Possibly we can go at their speed in liquids because of the "limiting" nature of this fluid ...
b) Somehow torpedo or shoot the TicTac ... Kinda doubt we can do this with Civilization's stage of maturity ....
c) Disrupt its mechanism to "grab" onto inner space where no molecules are as it folds or warps or modifies the gravitational field and propels itself. Create some type of scrambler ??? BINGO
d ) Create a Projectile with a warped field around it that "melts" into the TicTac and neutralizes it ?
Shit, if we could do this we could make a craft like that TicTac, most likely.

Our Best Bet so far as I can see from my "limited" observations is Possibly we CAN Disrupt its ability to "Part" fluids.

How ??? OK. Thank you for following this Far, but come with me a little longer......

Presently, we have tandem earth orbiters that are continuously "mapping" out the fluctuations of gravity on Our Planet.
They have detected Anomalies in the Earth that illustrate "denser" Mass locations and minute shifts of gravity from the Earth itself. Some of these areas One for Instance, is hypothecated to have been the Meteorite that Struck the Earth and killed the dinosaurs thousands of years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula ( I'm going there to CanCun end of July BTW )

It has been purported to have been an Impact that created a consequent "denser" area that Has Been Mapped by that tandem of satellites. WE CAN detect minute changes in gravity.
If we can detect them MAYBE somehow we can ALTER them via some type of SCRAMBLER.
As a Civilization we need to Proceed Post Haste in developing such a Mechanism

OK. I can hear it already from the peanut gallery.

If They Are So Advanced, then why would they become HOSTILE ( AMIRITE ) ?

If then statement. Since they are advanced THEREFORE they are Not Hostile DO WE KNOW THIS IS A TRUE Conclusion ? True In All Cases ???

Just Look at the Lefties. You know Who You ARE. Look in the Mirror and SAY ... " I know they will NOT attack US "

The split Amongst US illustrates exactly the Nature of Our Being..... Is it Any Being ?? I sure Hope Not, because if they are like US we are screwed if they become Hostile at this time.

My Last Question to Any out there is this.

Do you think that ANY Being out there has the same Spectrum of Individuals from passive to hostile ( that includes mentally deranged ) ??

EVERYBODY should take note that this is a Threat to ALL OF US and while you at this final Observation

not reading this


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Nobody cares what this dope says, he's already outed himself as a complete moron, why would anyone take this fool seriously?

Continued ad hominem stupidity from 51Dresses. Too bad, I thought you might have something to contribute being that you are a family man
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