My final take on Blackhawks Rapey Central
1) McPrawns thread "rapey kane vs soliciting kane" made me laugh, cry, and gasp in horror and it didn't take 40 combined pages
2) I feel more educated about rape after these threads. I think I am a little bit of a better person for it. My vibe of victim blaming needs to be reconsidered at a formulative level. I think in a grand meaning scheme that is the purpose of these forums, to interact and educate each other by fire in humor.
3) Rasko and Cassandra need to come closer to the middle and not use so much personal information to make points. They aren't that good of points anyway.
4) Men need to do better. I think there are 3 or 4 flavors of victim blaming, but the bottom line is men make this world a shitty place to live. Rape, murder, violence, greed. Women do these things, but we monopolize them at a 99% level. The rules in place and the way we are trained to think about this is for the women for good reason. We all get to choose what we will teach our own daughters.
5) As for IB...jury's have acquitted fathers before who killed a rapist caught in the act. The personal attacks by the trolls here are still unacceptable and you should consider what need you are filling by going after posters with notable weaknesses in logic or emotion. Would you pick on the nerd at school? Would you rile up the bipolar boss at work just to get a laugh? Using your skills to cause pain in others while gallivanting around on a high horse babbling with your flayed selves displayed for the world to see accusing others of being too close to the spectrum of wanting pleasure from the pain of others. Bunch of Don Quixote's in here.
6) Look...I want women to be comfortable around men but that is utopia. They should be able to do what they want and not get attacked by scum bags. Its advantageous to us if they could trust us all and have a good time. Believe me the game is so much harder because many women avoid a lot of situations because of the few that give us a bad name. This may not be surprising, but due to my unbalanced bipolar, large size, and high intelligences in some areas with complete idiocy in others including social, I am often unfairly written into the "creeper" status and avoided by women. Maybe its pain in my eyes exacerbated from years of lifting weights to the theme of bashing my high school bullies skulls into a chalky coffee additive. Or the fact I can't be stable enough to hold a job despite immense physical and mental talents. Its ok...I WANT to be a poet, and my suffering will be a good thing. I wish women could feel safe...but I assure you even I could completely fool a woman at a bar tonight, smile, recite poetry, give her a deep look in her eyes and compliment her gravest of insecurities...but after reading that paragraph would you want your daughter going home with me to keep the party going? So while yes...the men are the problem. Our attitudes need adjusting. Our lust must be curbed. I don't want to blame the victim...
**** man...Patrick Kanes house probably sounds fucking amazing to see for a teenage or college age girl under the spell of a few drinks. Famous celebrity, more free drinks, real cute boy with money and fame. Man...i want to go home with him too and so do all of you. Its not her fault at all but what are you going to teach YOUR daughter?