Upgrading my PC.. have some Q's


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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the 4.6 or 4.7 vs the 4.8-9 that seems average for skylake vs kaby respectively isnt going to make much of a difference. i may upgrade to a 6700k simply because its so cheap, but well see. a few games are making it look like an i7 is the bare minimum nowadays, but a they also seem to be poorly optimized.

I think your head is in a weird place with all this cpu talk. i7 is not required for anything, especially at 1080p. If you are jonesing for an upgrade, you would be much better off spending that money on a gpu.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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I think your head is in a weird place with all this cpu talk. i7 is not required for anything, especially at 1080p. If you are jonesing for an upgrade, you would be much better off spending that money on a gpu.

i think you havent been keeping up with things regarding cpus and the new cards/games.

in some games gpu utilization drops as low as 50-60% with an i5 and a 1070/80. and thats at 1080p because the cpu cant keep up with the card. at higher res the bottleneck vanishes in most games but then even the 1080 cant sustain 60 fps in some games at 1440p+. hell in some games the 1080(mankind divided ans wd2 for example) cant even do ultra at 1080p at a consistent 60fps. and if i spent 600+ bucks on a card you better damn well believe i want constant 60 fps maxed out, especially at only 1080p.

like i said in the other thread, maybe things will be different with vega.


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Dec 25, 2013
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i think you havent been keeping up with things regarding cpus and the new cards/games.

in some games gpu utilization drops as low as 50-60% with an i5 and a 1070/80. and thats at 1080p because the cpu cant keep up with the card. at higher res the bottleneck vanishes in most games but then even the 1080 cant sustain 60 fps in some games at 1440p+. hell in some games the 1080(mankind divided ans wd2 for example) cant even do ultra at 1080p at a consistent 60fps. and if i spent 600+ bucks on a card you better damn well believe i want constant 60 fps maxed out, especially at only 1080p.

like i said in the other thread, maybe things will be different with vega.

No. Full stop. A core i5 6600K will not "bottleneck" a GTX 1080, at all. Ever.

I have no idea where in the world you're coming up with this idea. Ask around on some tech forums if you don't believe us.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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youre the one that needs to look some things up. go to forums with people that actually have the cpu and the card, not just some random thread asking if "such and such will bottleneck such and such." most of which are from before the card was even released or with a bunch of replies from people that dont have the hardware.

and even more proof can be found by going on youtube and looking at actual videos showing high cpu usage and low gpu usage. its a fact that the 6600k bottlenecks the 1070, let alone the 1080. is it a constant bottleneck? no, but in cpu intensive games/areas the gpu usage can drop drastically killing frame rate. just go watch a gta5 benchmark vid with an overlay using a 6600k and a 1070 and watch gpu usage, and fps, take a nose dive as soon a things get cpu intensive.

here ill make it easy. watch the last segment is the city. gpu usage drops into the 70s. and thats with a 4.7oc.

thats just one of many vids confirming the same thing. and its even worse in other games.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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well, I'll be damned. Points to some shit optimization tho. Shit, almost has me thinking conspiracy with nvidia and intel conspiring to create an artificial bottleneck to sell more cpus, lol

I wish intel would build a 6 core with individual core performance that matches their 4 core chips. I have a 4790k and will probably hold out until a 6 core with same or better clocks becomes available.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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well, I'll be damned. Points to some shit optimization tho. Shit, almost has me thinking conspiracy with nvidia and intel conspiring to create an artificial bottleneck to sell more cpus, lol

I wish intel would build a 6 core with individual core performance that matches their 4 core chips. I have a 4790k and will probably hold out until a 6 core with same or better clocks becomes available.

yeah, i honestly wouldnt be surprised if it has something to do with the pascal hardware. thats why im interested to see what happens with vega. coffee lake will offer a 6 core mainstream chip, but unfortunately while amd says it plans to stick with am4 for a long while intel will probably force a new socket on us after kaby. unless threats of consumers moving on to amd forces intel to offer a 6 core on 1151. either way itll suck if after just recently building a pc when 4 cores were more than enough all of a sudden they arent. i could have gone x99 and gotten an 5820k but lower ipc actually showed it lagging behind skylake at times(in games), and going that route would have required sacrifices elsewhere in the system that i couldnt justify when at the time there was practically no difference between a 6600k and intels extreme chips(again, for gaming).

im mean at least a 6700k or even a 7800k are an option. a 6700k doesnt bottleneck the 1070/80, which is weird because hyper threading shouldnt make a difference. if the cores are maxed out, theyre maxed out. so, again, maybe its just some weird thing with pascal. a 980 ti isnt even close to being bottlenecked by much weaker cpus than the 6600k and yet while really being no more powerful over all than the 980ti the 1070 gets bottlenecked like crazy.

anyway, mad max is pretty fucking good.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Yeah, I would not go X99. Waste of money if your heaviest use is gaming.

There is another problem with intel tho. They are in a 3 tier cycle now where the first tier is like a beta, 2nd tier is the new architecture, and 3rd is the optimized version. Kinda.

So kaby lake is like the fully optimized chip of this generation and we will have to wait until 2019 or some shit for the next optimized iteration.


well, I'll be damned. Points to some shit optimization tho. Shit, almost has me thinking conspiracy with nvidia and intel conspiring to create an artificial bottleneck to sell more cpus, lol

I wish intel would build a 6 core with individual core performance that matches their 4 core chips. I have a 4790k and will probably hold out until a 6 core with same or better clocks becomes available.

my cheap arse 6 core potatoe does well.. single core isnt high but all 12 threads are being utilized in every game ive tested.. or maybe its fake results idk.. would be nice to test a good gpu with it though.. but eh.. it works..


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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my cheap arse 6 core potatoe does well.. single core isnt high but all 12 threads are being utilized in every game ive tested.. or maybe its fake results idk.. would be nice to test a good gpu with it though.. but eh.. it works..

I have a 980ti and an i7 4790k @ 4.7 Ghz 1.29 mv. I am not going to swap my cpu out for something that performs worse in games and costs more just because it has 6 cores. When they release a 6 core with same or better single core performance, then I will upgrade.


I have a 980ti and an i7 4790k @ 4.7 Ghz 1.29 mv. I am not going to swap my cpu out for something that performs worse in games and costs more just because it has 6 cores. When they release a 6 core with same or better single core performance, then I will upgrade.

if games are being optimised for more cores, it may make sense even if the single core isnt on par.. at least from a non techies perspective..

all i know is my cpu eats through all games (and other software) and its a older 6 core (not oc'ed)...my gpu is shat, but thats because its shat... whenever i upgrade again 6/8 core will be my target... i got a dual monitor set up for now.. i run games and stream vid/music/other shat running on the other screen.. no hiccups what so ever cpu wise..

so im with you with 6+ multicore thoughts..

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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ive been looking into the pascal bottlenecks a little more and it seems to be something up with the pascal cards because ive found videos of 6700ks and even 5820ks bottlenecking the 1070. and i5s bottlenecking the 1060.

as for games utilizing more cores, its been shown that with dx12 and vulkan which allow games to take advantage of more threads, it doesnt scale past 6 and the power of each individual core plays just as large if not a larger role than the number of threads. hell with dx12 and vulkan the opposite should be true, games should need less cores/threads. id be really interested in seeing a true dx12/vulkan open world game. it may not be open world but with how damn well doom runs, especially on vulkan, it makes it seems crazy that devs arent using it for every game.


ive been looking into the pascal bottlenecks a little more and it seems to be something up with the pascal cards because ive found videos of 6700ks and even 5820ks bottlenecking the 1070. and i5s bottlenecking the 1060.

as for games utilizing more cores, its been shown that with dx12 and vulkan which allow games to take advantage of more threads, it doesnt scale past 6 and the power of each individual core plays just as large if not a larger role than the number of threads. hell with dx12 and vulkan the opposite should be true, games should need less cores/threads. id be really interested in seeing a true dx12/vulkan open world game. it may not be open world but with how damn well doom runs, especially on vulkan, it makes it seems crazy that devs arent using it for every game.

i was having issues with vulkan on doom.. ran better in opengl for me... amd released an update for their cards, so maybe that fixed it, doom was on the list.. i just havent went back and played it yet

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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i was having issues with vulkan on doom.. ran better in opengl for me... amd released an update for their cards, so maybe that fixed it, doom was on the list.. i just havent went back and played it yet

issues with a amd gpu? thats odd. what card do you have? i know it did have issues originally with opengl.


issues with a amd gpu? thats odd. what card do you have? i know it did have issues originally with opengl.

cheap r7 360..

Radeon-Software-Crimson-Edition-16.7.2 included a fix for doom

​Support for DOOM (with Vulkan API) – enables performance enhancements through support for Async Compute and Shader Intrinsics.

i should go check it out again.. im just not in the mood for another shooter after putting in 150+ hrs in bf1..

Unannounced Fart

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Aug 24, 2012
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So I have this HDD that I transferred from my old rig to my new one. It is a 500GB drive, but when I click on properties, it says that that it is only a 1GB drive. Any idea what happened?


Three if by air
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Could be a number of things.

-User error, you've installed it wrong and/or are checking in the wrong spot.
-Something is goofy with the partition table.
-The drive was protected on machine 1, and wasn't unlocked before installing on drive 2, which could hide that partition.
-Boot into CMOS, check to make sure it's detecting the sectors per block correctly, as specified on the HDD label.
-Check to see if there is a jumper on the back of the drive that needs to be in place.
-Drive took damage in transit, you'll need to take precautions and do a recovery.
-Bad cable.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Could be a number of things.

-User error, you've installed it wrong and/or are checking in the wrong spot.
-Something is goofy with the partition table.
-The drive was protected on machine 1, and wasn't unlocked before installing on drive 2, which could hide that partition.
-Boot into CMOS, check to make sure it's detecting the sectors per block correctly, as specified on the HDD label.
-Check to see if there is a jumper on the back of the drive that needs to be in place.
-Drive took damage in transit, you'll need to take precautions and do a recovery.
-Bad cable.

Or.... like discussed in that Nelson Mandela thread.... perhaps someone went back in time, turned your 500GB HD into a 1GB HD and yet you still remember having a 500GB HD.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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I missed that one or don't remember it. Maybe I'm from another time, or maybe you're from another time? Ares, how are the GMO Pigeons in 2055?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I missed that one or don't remember it. Maybe I'm from another time, or maybe you're from another time? Ares, how are the GMO Pigeons in 2055?

Fucking menacing.... in 2055 it is just me and an army of large spiders fighting an endless war against bio-mechanical pigeons on the surface, as humanity has gone underground to get away from the war.
