Well Matt, you know what, that may be a problem.


Gazpacho Police
Aug 21, 2012
Liked Posts:
Albuquerque, NM
I hear the Bulls are kind of interesting this year. Think I'm going to get back into basketball.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
Liked Posts:
Fort Myers, FL
Man remember when we were all (most) excited about a real offensive genius coming to the Bears. We were gonna finally see what an amazing offense would look like in the navy and Orange. Ahhhh those were good times.
That lasted until the second half of the first game vs. GB when Bears stopped scoring with scripted drives and forgot how to tackle.

Nagy let’s the defense dictate his play calls, defenses know exactly what he’s doing. He hasn’t learned a damn thing in 4 years.
How he wasn't flat condemned by the media when he said exactly this more than once at the podium is proof Bears' don't let them ask the hard questions. "We took what the defense gave us" is NOT an acceptable answer, excuse, or solution to dogshit offense on any/every given week.

From what I heard on the radio this morning you’re not using this quote in correct context. He knew what plays were going to be run because he and Lazor had installed the offense and they had play A set up for this situation or Play B for that situation.

I’m not trying to defend Nagy’s ability as a play caller here…. (It obviously sucks). Just pointing out that of course he knew which play was coming because he helped install the game plan.
Agreed. Of all the vast many items Nagy deserves to be grilled on, this is a bit of a stretch. Obviously he more than any will know this. Sadly he's doesn't realize he's far from alone in recognizing the transparency.
