finished doom. yeah, it got repetitive and i had had enough by the end. its fun for what it is but like i said, never really felt like doom to me, and i just want something more from a game. i dont know how people say its a throw back to the original, it played more like an arena shooter and quake than the original doom imo.
anyway, without intending to, im on a bit of a reboot kick and im playing another one now...resident evil 7. now, thats how you do a reboot. i have fond memories of the original. i remember being in walmart when i was 12/13 and flipping through a gaming magazine and coming across an early preview for a game called resident evil in which you explore an old creepy mansion and blow zombies heads off. and i knew i needed to play that game. i didnt even have a play station at the time so i planned to trade in all my other consoles and my mom was like, "youll never get that much for a trade in." and i had already figured it all out and told her i would but she didnt believe it and bet me a play station. needless to say i soon had a ps and resident evil on pre order. i still remember the day the game finally released and i went to EB at the mall to pick it up.
back to the reboot, re7 is resident evil through and through. it hearkens back to the original, capturing the mood and atmosphere as well as the game play but does so while changing to a FP perspective making it even more immersive.
on a side note, while i expected gore, its a hell of a lot gorier than i expected.