What I hate about the US Cellular Experience


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Sep 21, 2010
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On average, I attend about 15 to 20 White Sox games a year. I’ve been doing this through three different eras; the Old Comiskey era, The New Comiskey Era, and the revamped US Cellular era. Over the course of my fan-manship, I have seen a lot at the ballpark, both good and bad. While I could go on and on about what makes the US Cellular experience great, being a glass is half-empty type of guy, I’d rather focus on the bad. Besides, praising does not bring about change, and if the election of Barack Obama means anything, the people of this country both want and deserve change. White sox fans are no different. They deserve the right to be swept up in the "Yes We Can" spirit as well. So if you’re reading this Jerry Reinsdorf (which I’m sure, as a loyal Buzznews follower, you are), what follows are the gripes that I have with "The Cell" (awful nickname by the way) and my suggestions for what could be done to make it better for all of your loyal customers, especially me.

1. The “Everyone gets a trophy” home run challenge

Each game, one young fan is chosen in between innings (can’t remember which one), to compete in a contest on the Fundamentals deck which is shown to all via the jumbotron. The kid is given three chances to hit a whiffle ball off a tee over the fence on a mini-field for the opportunity to win some sort of inconsequential prize. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this. Everyone roots for the kid to touch ‘em all and the youngster gets an opportunity to show off his skills in front of thousands of people. Fine, I’m good with that. In fact, I love the idea.....if it is done right.

The Problem: Regardless of whether or not the kid hits the ball over the fence, the White Sox marketing people decided that, so as not to hurt the kid’s feelings, the young slugger take a home run trot even if he or she is unsuccessful. Call me a grouch, but this is the stupidest thing ever and is a microcosm of what is wrong with our society today. It annoys me every time I see it, and I make it a point to share my disgust with whoever is sitting next to me.

First of all, I’m guessing that any self-respecting kid with any sense, if they don’t hit a homer, would much rather put their head down and sulk back to their seat, then take a “we don’t want to damage your self-esteem” fake home run trot. Secondly, what does it teach all the other youngsters in the crowd? So Dad, even if I don’t hit a home run, I still get to run around the bases anyways? Does that mean if I miss the last second shot at tommorow’s game, everyone will still rush the court and we can celebrate as if I made it? How about if I ask little Susie Smith out, even if she doesn’t want to go on a date, will she still allow me to get to third base? And what if I get a 14 on the ACT, can I still graduate with honors from Harvard and get a high-profile job on Wall Street? No, No, No, and No will be the answers, but you can understand the child’s confusion because of the mixed messages that are being sent to him. Please, instead of worrying about feelings, can we please use sports as the great metaphor for life that they are? There are winners and there are losers and in order to get what you want, you have to work for it.

This "everyone is a winner" culture that has been created is exactly why China is going to overtake the US as the world's largest economy by 2015, because in China, if a kid fails at their version of the home run challenge, he is much more likely to be disowned or cained by his family, then given an opportunity to run the bases. If we want to continue to compete globally, we must stop confusing kids (Like China, without the caining and abandonment), starting with the home run challenge.

The Solution: If you don’t hit a home run in three tries, you don’t get to run the bases, pretty simple. Instead, you walk immediately back to your seat where you can make a vow to yourself that you will practice harder and longer than anyone around until you become the greatest ballplayer who ever lived. Only then will you make peace with your failure today at the “Everyone gets a trophy” home run challenge. You may get booed for not jacking one, but at least you won’t feel like a complete loser with everyone feeling sorry for you and allowing you to do your best sympathy trot. You'd walk away from the experience with your dignity and a little motivation for future athletic endeavors.

2. The Balk call by at least one fan per section of the stadium on the third to first pick-off move by the opposing pitcher

The Problem: No matter where you are sitting or what part of the game it is, whenever the opposing pitcher does the ‘ole third to first pickoff move (Side Note: The only person that I have ever seen successful at this move was Black Jack McDowell in the early nineties), there will be at least one fan in your section who angrily screams “BALK!!!!” at the top of his or her lungs. The trouble with this is that it is not a balk, has never been a balk, nor will it probably ever be a balk. Yet, there is always some idiot who hurts the eardrums of intelligent fans in the ballpark with this verbal nonsense.

The Solution: Just like fans who touch balls that are in play are removed from ballpark, the same should hold true for the false “Balk” callers. If this is not feasible, although I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, then any fan who is found to have done this, should be forced to give a verbal disclaimer to all fans in their section prior to the next game they attend, which goes something like this “I, state your name, apologize in advance for my lack of baseball intelligence. Although I have been told time and again that the third to first pickoff move is not a balk, I simply cannot help myself. I am a baseball idiot. Please ignore any baseball related things that I happen to say. For that matter, ignore everything that I have to say regardless of it is baseball related or not. Thank you for your time and god bless.” While our eardrums will still probably hurt at the inevitable verbal diarrhea of this fan, instead of wasting the 2 seconds of our lives that it takes from the time “Balk” is screamed to come to the conclusion that the guy who said it is an idiot, we will have already tuned the guy out thanks to the pre-game disclaimer, and thus be able to use those two seconds for something far more productive. Does this seem like an unreasonable request? If you think so, I’m guessing you’re probably the type of person I’m complaining about.

3. Outrageous Beer Prices

The Problem: You have already taken advantage of us with ticket, parking, and food prices; do you really have to get us on beer too? Paying seven dollars for a beer is ridiculous, especially with the harsh economic times that people are facing. I could get a 6-pack at the local liquor store for less, and yet you expect me to pony over that much for one Miller Lite? No thanks. I’d rather sit through an episode (maybe even an entire season) of the Rachel Zoe Project than splurge that much cash on a cold one.

The Solution: Cut beer prices in half to $3.50. You’ll still have a mark-up way above market value and I think because of the lower price, the number of sales would skyrocket. I think most people would be more likely to spend twenty-one dollars on six beers than buy only one beer at seven dollars. Just think of all the untapped revenue that could be had from people like me, who wouldn’t spend seven dollars on a dose of anti-aging syrum, let alone, a Miller Lite.

4. Shameless Plugs and Advertising Everywhere

The Problem: Everywhere you look; there is some sort of advertisement or sponsorship. If the McDonald’s logo on the scoreboard weren’t enough of eye sore, we have to sit through an entire half inning of White Sox players talking about their memories of going to Mickey D’s as kids. We also have a section of the stadium called the Jim Beam Club and a group of annoying cheerleaders (using the word annoying to describe cheerleaders seems kind of redundant doesn’t it?) who go by the moniker of the Chevy pride crew which coincidently, serves only to make me want to never drink bourbon and ashamed to own a Lumina.

To me, baseball is the purest American sport. There is something sacred about the game, but all the sponsorships and advertisements are taking away from that, particularly at US Cellular Field. While all the shameless plugs may bring in revenue, it leaves me completely turned off. It would be like if in my next column I wrote how my sister Katie Ramoley is one of the best real estate agents around, and how if you would like to buy or sell a home in the Chicagoland area, you should contact her at 1-708-612-1848 or katie.ramoley@cbexchange.com.

To take the point even further, what if I put a picture of her at the bottom of the page of my next column with a link to one her listings like the one to the right ? Wouldn’t that make me a complete hypocrite and wouldn’t it be annoying for anyone who read it? Absolutely it would. That’s why I would never even think of doing something like that, even if she promised me a 100 dollars for each referral. I believe that the written word is far too sacred, just like the baseball park should be, and I would not want to sacrifice my personal integrity, just like the Sox organization shouldn't want to either. Katie Ramoley

The Solution: I understand that advertising brings in money which is then used to create a better on-the-field product, but there must be a better way. Couldn’t the White Sox do some sort of profit sharing with their television and radio networks and completely flood every minute of each broadcast with as many advertisements, sponsorships, and plugs as humanly possible? I’d much rather watch or listen to something like that, then have to see or hear it at the ballpark. Besides, it might be funny to hear Ed Farmer sarcastically stating that "Gordon Beckman's latest slump buster is courtesy of the day shift at the Pink Monkey, located at 750 South Clinton" or Hawk Harrelson tell us that “that last AJ Pierzynski ball scratch was brought to you by Gold Bonds baby powder. Gold Booondds, YEEEEEEEEEES!" I honestly think this would be a great solution (probably because it’s mine) and one that I expect to see by the 2013-2014 season if the Sox brass have any sense or respect for the game.

5. The Pre-determined Kiss Cam

The Problem: Don’t get me wrong, I love me some kiss cam. It is one of the few between innings gimmicks that I actually enjoy. I just hate the predetermined kiss cam when two fans have a camera directly in front of them and have agreed to let their kiss be displayed on the big screen. The lack of surprise robs us of everything that is great about the kiss cam, and lessens the odds of seeing one of the following three best scenarios that the random kiss cam has to offer.

a. The “we did not come together, my wife is actually on my right” scenario

I love this scenario, especially when the woman is attractive, because you can usually see the man contemplate, even if just for a split second, if he should just kiss her and suffer the consequences later. You can read the thoughts in his head in that quick moment about how he could justify it to his wife on the car ride home. Honey, it’s the kiss cam. You have to do it, otherwise the whole crowd will boo you. You wouldn’t want that would you? Usually this scenario ends with the wife either slapping the guy in the chest because she sees what we all see or she grabs her husband, claims her territory, and kisses him herself. Either way, the crowd gets a kick out it and the kiss cam serves its purpose.

b. The “first date” scenario

Similar to the “we did not come together, my wife is actually on my right” scenario, you can read exactly what the woman is thinking in the “first date” scenario. If I kiss him now, that sets a bad precedent for the end of the night. If I don’t, he may think I’m not any fun. But then again, if I do, he is going to be expecting much more than a kiss later. On the other hand, not kissing him may make him want me more.

This scenario is pretty funny because it usually ends with an incredibly awkward peck on the cheek, a head shake “no” by the woman and a visibly disappointed looking guy, or the woman still contemplating in her head as they decide to switch to a different and more willing couple. While not quite as funny as the first scenario, it usually gets a chuckle from the crowd who knows exactly what is going on.

c. The “till death do us part awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” scenario

The couple has to be at least seventy and clearly married. The man sees himself on the screen, turns, looks into his wife of 40 years eyes and gives her a sweet, yet passionate kiss. Everyone in the crowd lets out a long, loud, and collective “awwwwwwwww” and feel good about that fact that true love and a long marriage are possible. While this scenario is much more well received by the female portion of the crowd, the great part is that even the most alpha of males is usually touched by the “till death do us part awwwwwwwwwwwwwww” scenario even if they don't want to admit it.

The Solution: Get rid of the predetermined kiss cam completely. It’s not fun, nobody enjoys it, and it gives us one less chance of seeing one of the above scenarios. The predetermined kiss cam is like CBS telling one of their live look in bubble teams at selection Sunday that they made the tournament ten minutes before the show began and how they should try to act worried, nervous, and then ecstatic during the actual show. That would be stupid and rob all of us of watching them actually go through the full gauntlet of human emotion that makes the live look in so great.

While I have much more to say about what I hate about the US Cellular Experience, I decided to save that for a Part Two because this is getting far too long and any normal person probably stopped reading about 600 words ago. Also, if no one likes what I have to say in Part One, I can conveniently forget to write a Part Two and move on to a topic that is a little more interesting. But that may be harder to determine than it seems because in the "everyone is a winner society" people will probably tell me how much they enjoyed reading this, even if it they thought it sucked. So......look for part two by the end of the week. I'll be busy soaking in my sympathy praise in the meantime.

** If you would like to read more articles about Chicago Sports by Jim Maley, please go to his personal blog at thesoxmarket.blogspot.com.*


CCS Donator
May 29, 2010
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Wait, what?

Why do you want the White Sox to not make money?

Captain Iago

Giver of Occular Proof
May 24, 2010
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1. I won't call you a grouch, but I will call you fuckin silly. You couldn't really think that a 5 year old extends the sense of entitlement of being able to run the bases without having hit a home run to his/her adult years? Really? This is what perpetuates the downward spiral of our country? Congress needs to get on this ASAP.

2. Sure, people can be annoying. While I'm not one who yells, "Balk," I have a different solution: maybe people who bitch about kids running bases when they haven't hit a home run ought to sign a contract...

3. Yup. Beer prices are crazy. But ya know what's great? Choosing not to purchase it. There are plenty of other ways (sure, against park policy, of course) to get liquor in the park if you're fittin'.

4. Sure, all that advertising sucks. It's the way of the sports world now. Even the shithole Wrigley has 'em. I do like your solution, though.

5. Bitching about the Kiss-Cam? :lmao:
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New member
Jul 31, 2010
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You act like you've never had experiences outside of US Cell.....

welcome to the real world


Sep 13, 2010
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Carol Stream
Wait, what?

Why do you want the White Sox to not make money?

Because this guy is clearly an idiot and is complaining over the most trivial stupid things. If you can bitch so much over so little than you know you can not pay the money to have such a miserable time. All I care about is watching winning baseball being played in a place with good facilities.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lincoln, Nebraska
The only thing I dislike about Sox games is having to sneak down to the lower level if I buy an upper level ticket.


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Jul 19, 2010
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Rockford Illinois
I think you gentlemen hit it right on the head! THis is so goofy as to laughable.

Why would U.S. Cellular be devoid of all of the trappings of every other ballpark, stadium, or rink in Pro, minor league, college, and high school sports. Can some of it be annoying? SUre it can. I don't like Kiss Cams in any form, but it doesn't annoy me to the point of having to really bitch about it.

to your running the bases point, LET THE KIDS PLAY!!!!!!!

It's the era you now live in. Deal with it.


CCS Donator
May 28, 2010
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but alot of guys in flip flops, bad bathrooms, no parking, bad smells etc

okayy.. guys in flip flops is a normal thing.. you can go to target and see the same thing.

there's new bathrooms this year.

ehh.. sure there isn't much parking I'll give you that..

Bad smells? Where? Cause I only smell ballpark food, beer and grass when I'm there.


CCS Donator
Apr 26, 2010
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Chicago, IL
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okayy.. guys in flip flops is a normal thing.. you can go to target and see the same thing.

there's new bathrooms this year.

ehh.. sure there isn't much parking I'll give you that..

Bad smells? Where? Cause I only smell ballpark food, beer and grass when I'm there.

I wear flip flops


Joecawks is a dope
May 14, 2010
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i dont think this guy is ever going to come back


New member
Oct 1, 2010
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Wow that's a little ridiculous to say. I have been to quite a few sox games at the cell this year and have seen this every time. They have that fundamentals thing for KIDS not adults, so stop complaining. If you were a kid and got to go in there and be featured on the big screen wouldn't you want to take a trot around the bases regardless of how far you hit the ball?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sep 23, 2010
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I have been to some other ballparks also.. sox one is not the best but it is not the worst in any way. There is no bad smell whatsoever, for parking you need to reach there on time, and bathrooms?? C'mon man were you there to watch the game or for something else?


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Jun 19, 2010
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Too long to take too seriously, anybody who goes to a baseball game and spends that much time pay attention to the kiss cam then goes to a baseball message board to complain about it needs not go to baseball games ... I have no problems with the ads ... More money to sign players
