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It's a place where all the bros and broettes go to get addicted to working out. Then they tell everyone all about it and post pics of how awesome their body looks. Along with that, they post disgusting instagram pictures of food they say looks delicious but it's always some kind of sloppy gross looking "shake" or food that looks unhealthy to eat.
I think it's really a place for ex-athletes go because they just don't want to face the fact that they need to move on and train for general health and aesthetics in their late 20s, 30s and 40s.
I was thinking about charging a local crossfit gym to come out to the farm the next time we get a hay delivery. They can unload and stack it 7 bales high (i usually go six) ill feed them grassfed beef liver for their paleo diet, and charge for that too. Overachievers can stay to muck out the barn with these giant shovels i got, and if they still need to grind they can split logs and clear out the mile long forest trail with machetes. Do u think ill get paid for this?
You know how many ex-athletes (not university level) have never performed a full clean or power snatch?
I never performed a full clean or even attempted a power snatch and was a fairly good athlete in H.S.
The same goes for a simple ATG squat. Where are the people squatting ATG in great numbers anywhere really?
That's fair, I guess I didn't either and was pretty athletic in HS. Of course, i didn't jump headfirst into doing power cleans as many times as possible in x amount of minutes.
There are two guys at my gym who ATG or even hit parallel and I'm one of them lol
**Slow claps for ATG squats**
I really only seriously squatted in my mid 20s or so....
In the late late 1990s, when I was beginning in weight training for football the coaches were so fkn stupid they basically loaded me up with something arounf 240lbs on my back and had me do 3's with terrible form right at the beginning. My groin must have been weak and I could barely move for like ten days; it felt like I basically strained my groin.
I told my coach and he told me to basically suck it up and it was normal....so I tried it another two times.
I ended up missing like 4 weeks of speed and agility bc of this moron, and from then on swore off squatting for the remainder of HS. I used to go use the bathroom when they squatted or some shit. Thank god I saw the benefits in power cleans and did them like 2 times a week usually for great intensity. I also stayed active and was a naturally very large/quick person so I got by.
WTF is wrong with so many s&c coaches out there at the H.S. level?
The average Cross fit athlete could beat the shit out of any of you and that's just the women
kinda funny,i suppose avg you maybe could. my cuz is a crossfit freak, has all sorts of shit inhis garage and yard. but he is an airforce dude, who commands a fifty man squad doing that hurt locker shit. he likes the intensity and teamwork focus, morale building. dude holds an ar15 like its a pistol. he said it's like 50/50 weight rats vs xfit peeps he works with amd the xfit bros have a lot more fun with routine grunt work while the other dudes juice and hate.***** plz.
I'd beat that ass like a timpani ....
I was thinking about charging a local crossfit gym to come out to the farm the next time we get a hay delivery. They can unload and stack it 7 bales high (i usually go six) ill feed them grassfed beef liver for their paleo diet, and charge for that too. Overachievers can stay to muck out the barn with these giant shovels i got, and if they still need to grind they can split logs and clear out the mile long forest trail with machetes. Do u think ill get paid for this?
kinda funny,i suppose avg you maybe could. my cuz is a crossfit freak, has all sorts of shit inhis garage and yard. but he is an airforce dude, who commands a fifty man squad doing that hurt locker shit. he likes the intensity and teamwork focus, morale building. dude holds an ar15 like its a pistol. he said it's like 50/50 weight rats vs xfit peeps he works with amd the xfit bros have a lot more fun with routine grunt work while the other dudes juice and hate.
For many years I was a serious weight/power lifter working out 2 hours day up to 6 hours a week. I have been around some really strong and intense people. While I have never done a CrossFit workout I did sell some specialized back machine to two of them. Very big, heavy and unwieldily. These guys separated it into 2 pieces and took it out of my basement. I was really impressed. They were not bodybuilder muscular but built like a brick shithouse. Their functional strength was off the charts. With CrossFit I can see people becoming more functionally strong than weightlifting strong. In the end that's a more useful life skill.