Along those same lines locally:
CTU's Lewis apologizes to Duncan
Teachers union leader calls education secretary after video surfaces of her making fun of his lisp
Chicago Teachers Union President President Karen Lewis, shown last month,… (Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune)
November 15, 2011|By Joel Hood, Chicago Tribune reporter
Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis on Monday called U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan to apologize for making a joke about Duncan's lisp in a talk with teachers union leadership in Seattle last month.
A clip of Lewis' remarks was widely circulated online Monday by a nonprofit education group. In the half-hour video, Lewis says of Duncan, "Now, you know he went to a private school because if he had gone to a public school he would have had that lisp fixed."
Afterward, Lewis seemed to back off the statement, saying, "I know, that was ugly, wasn't it? I'm sorry."
As the video made the rounds on local television Monday, Lewis called Duncan to apologize, saying she can "never let frustrations get in the way of carrying out my responsibilities as a leader."
Duncan, the former chief of Chicago Public Schools, has clashed with union leaders in Chicago and elsewhere for his public support of nonunion charter schools, turning around failing schools by removing all teachers and staff, and other education initiatives.
Later in the video, Lewis joked about her own time in college, saying she "self-medicated" with marijuana. She also lambasted a Tribune editorial cartoon from this year that depicted Lewis in the corner of a classroom wearing a dunce cap.
Lewis called the cartoon, which exaggerated some of her features, as "vicious" and "nasty."
Chicago Public Schools officials declined to comment on the Lewis video. But union spokeswoman Stephanie Gadlin said Lewis was simply trying to use humor to "lighten the mood" at the education rally.