I'm not sure what Philly needs (and maybe you've already addressed this in this form post already; i'm too lazy to read through it all), but with him being a FA next year, I'd love to see Hamels on the South Side.
We know Reinsdorf will spend if he wants/has to. I think he's making $15M this year and I would hope KW would be glad to eat whatever remains on Hamel's contract this year. With Sale, Peavy, Hamels, Danks, Quintana, that'd be a pretty decent rotation.
I wouldn't mind Dempster either, but what in the hell do the Sox have that the Cubs would want? A whole lot of nothing, really, unless they give up the pick they just drafted (sorry, his name escapes me).
Wouldn't mind Greinke either. Though the Sox already have enough head-cases on the team, and Greinke hasn't pitched well (relatively speaking) outside of Miller Park.
I'm not sure who else is a FA next year, but Hamels is a stud. I want him in a Sox uni.