What is wrong with the league today!


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May 14, 2010
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Alright, I remember back in the 90's when the Hawks were playing in the Norris Division before the switch to Central.

The Hawks had skill...but also lots of grit.


Watching these guys in the video and the hits that they took...they would all be illegal by the standards of todays game. However, the cheap shots were taken care of by the players...not during a teleconference or meeting in NY!

For pete sake...look at Steve Smith's Jaw...I remember that crap! However, dumbshits like Carcclilo was taken care of on the ice. It never had to go anywhere else.

This was caused by the league trying to get rid of fighting by institution the Instigator rule. Now, you have those little ******* who only hit and start shit running amock since the officials are there to protect them with the rule.

It's Bullshit and ruining this game.

If the Enforcers were allowed to do their job...Torres would be out of a one!

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Nope tvltre... gotta get rid of fighting. Cheapshots are a better alternative according to some.

Fighters and enforcers brought a sense of respect to the game and other players followed "the code" as well when enforcers were on the ice. There almost NO respect left in this league.

You get rid of the instigator penalty and within 2 seasons some semblance of respect would be restored to the game.


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May 14, 2010
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I was trying to find this video. It made me feel great that players could put their differences aside and remember, this is a game their playing.

I forgot this happened against Vancouver.


Your right Grimson...Respect is what is needed back in the game!


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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Grimson's Sweet Ass
makes me sick that Torres turtled when Bollig went at him.


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May 14, 2010
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AMEN Tony...............well played

I remember the black and blue division. When the Black Hawks rival was the Minnesota North Stars. I love hard hitting nose to the grindstone type hockey. However, if a cheap shot was delivered or someone took liberties...you were going to pay.

The 91-92 Cup year, the Hawks had Roenick, Larmer, and Goulet. They were protected by Peluso, Smith, and Grimson.

The season before that when they won the President's trophy, they had scorers like Larmer, Roenick, Goulet, Thomas, Presley, Gilbert and Hudson. Yet, had guys like Peluso, Manson, Grimson, and McGill to protect them.

Oh, and Dirk Graham was no slouch either. He took care of Konstantinov for his stick work!


This is Hockey! Scoring and no bullshit!


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May 14, 2010
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makes me sick that Torres turtled when Bollig went at him.

Torres knew if he didn't jump...Hossa was gonna run him over. That in itself tells you it was premeditated and Torres knew he needed to jump or he was gonna get nailed by a strong skater like Hoss!.

Of course Torres would turtle. He is not a man...he is a piece of crap that only takes advantage when he can. See all the shots of him on the bench...wasn't even looking at Hossa on the ice. He was looking straight ahead...not making eye contact with anyone...body language of a guilty person!


Ridiculum Anserini
Dec 6, 2014
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Out Back Chopping Trees
I forgot this happened against Vancouver.


I remember it like it was yesterday. I actually thought he was dying in front of me. I even had nightmares from it.


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May 14, 2010
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I remember it like it was yesterday. I actually thought he was dying in front of me. I even had nightmares from it.

It was good to see the players all help get the doctors, stretcher, and medical personnel from all over the stadium to Troy's aid as soon as possible.

Now a days, they just sit buy and watch.


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May 15, 2010
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Was that the game that Troy swallowed his temp teeth and nearly choked to death from it?


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May 15, 2010
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I recall him saying it was the dumbest thing he ever did in hockey.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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What's wrong with the league is the players. When you have entire generations of entitled little pricks that don't respect anybody or anything, this happens. It's a generational problem. The problem is that NOTHING deters guys like Torres, Cooke, Ott, etc. They are going to continue to act in this manner until they are out of the game. You really think getting their asses kicked is a deterrent for them? They've been getting their asses kicked their entire lives, and it hasn't done a damn thing to change them. The only thing that will change these assholes is threatening to take away their LIVELIHOOD. If the threat of actually having to go out and find a REAL job is real and present, guys like that will change their behavior pretty quickly.


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May 15, 2010
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I agree with Pez 100%. As soon as the union gets its' head out of their ass and gets through to some of these punks the game will return to a game of honor.


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Jul 24, 2010
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What's wrong with the league is the players. When you have entire generations of entitled little pricks that don't respect anybody or anything, this happens. It's a generational problem. The problem is that NOTHING deters guys like Torres, Cooke, Ott, etc. They are going to continue to act in this manner until they are out of the game. You really think getting their asses kicked is a deterrent for them? They've been getting their asses kicked their entire lives, and it hasn't done a damn thing to change them. The only thing that will change these assholes is threatening to take away their LIVELIHOOD. If the threat of actually having to go out and find a REAL job is real and present, guys like that will change their behavior pretty quickly.

Copy that, I've been saying this forever, people were getting upset at Shanahan's rulings early in the season for being too strict, he wasn't near strict enough. The only thing that will deter these players is hitting them in the wallet. And that's not something a weak 3 or 4 game suspension will do. Double digits. 15 games. 20 games, 30 games, half the season or more if necessary for some players who don't get the message. Have these assholes literally play themselves out of the league if need be. That's the only way it'll change. A rule change won't do it.

People mistakenly connect this sudden "rise" of concussions to cheapshots and the instigator rule cutting down on player's governing themselves. But concussions have always been a problem, it's only now over the last couple years protocols have finally been put in place to properly deal with them and hold players back from playing with them that we see the result on the ice. It's always existed though, it's always been a problem, it didn't just suddenly start happening over the last few years or since the rule change.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I said in the other thread, I don't think you necessarily need enforcers, but you shouldn't have a focus on decreasing fighting with stupid things like the instigator rules. There was a day that (not the top superstars) that people fought their own battles. Were accountable. You'd see your favorite players dropping the gloves because they were cheap shot. I don't think an enforcer going at an enforcer is going to stop a guy like Torres from doing what he's doing. Sure Torres will drop his gloves but he knows most players aren't going to do that now a days so he can duck and dive all he wants. Back and the day you wouldn't be surprised of anyone dropping the gloves at anytime for the most part. And I think that there was the true deterant. People weren't off limits. Sure there were still the classic enforcer roles, but I think even then (I could be wrong) they played more than 4 minutes every 7 games. If Turris comes down and cheapshot someone, he should have to stand toe to toe with that guy and let one of them get their ass kicked and it be over. If all these players had to fight someone everytime they did a cheapshot that would create accountability. The way the league does it now is a joke, Torres kills Hossa and something is supposed to be settled by Bolig going after their enforcer? What does that solve nothing, it only reinforces that they players can do what they want because the teams pay a guy to take the punishment for their stupidity. If everytime Torres took a cheapshot he had to go toe to toe with someone like Bolig or Seabrook who has been known to drop them, or bickell or anyone else capable of fighting do you think he'd get tired of it? If Kane (not saying he does) had to fight someone every time he gave a cheap shot, don't you think he'd get awfully aware of what he was about to do? The league has somehow got it in their head that fighting is bad and something they think they can somehow manage and they've gone and fucked that up about as bad as possible.

Fighting is down, injuries are up. Welcome to the New NHL.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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Copy that, I've been saying this forever, people were getting upset at Shanahan's rulings early in the season for being too strict, he wasn't near strict enough. The only thing that will deter these players is hitting them in the wallet. And that's not something a weak 3 or 4 game suspension will do. Double digits. 15 games. 20 games, 30 games, half the season or more if necessary for some players who don't get the message. Have these assholes literally play themselves out of the league if need be. That's the only way it'll change. A rule change won't do it.

People mistakenly connect this sudden "rise" of concussions to cheapshots and the instigator rule cutting down on player's governing themselves. But concussions have always been a problem, it's only now over the last couple years protocols have finally been put in place to properly deal with them and hold players back from playing with them that we see the result on the ice. It's always existed though, it's always been a problem, it didn't just suddenly start happening over the last few years or since the rule change.

Yeah exactly. Concussions aren't on the rise, diagnosing them is. And I would love to start seeing 20-40 game suspensions for this shit. I think 10% of the season should the STARTING POINT for all suspensions. Yes, eight games should be the starting point. None of these guys give a **** about one game, or even five. Do you really think Keith cared about his five game suspension? **** no. The season is 82 games, and you think handing out suspensions in the single digits phases these guys in the least? Come on. It's nothing more than a forced rest where their bodies can recoup and recharge. Any other level of hockey and suspensions for serious offenses typically start out at the 25% mark of the season and work their way up to indefinite pending a hearing. Why is what's good for every other level of hockey, not good enough for the NHL? When players, stars or not, are being forced to miss a quarter of the season, and it ACTUALLY starts affecting the player's wallet, and the team's record and performance, teams(those guilty of employing these idiots) and players will start getting the picture.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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I said in the other thread, I don't think you necessarily need enforcers, but you shouldn't have a focus on decreasing fighting with stupid things like the instigator rules. There was a day that (not the top superstars) that people fought their own battles. Were accountable. You'd see your favorite players dropping the gloves because they were cheap shot. I don't think an enforcer going at an enforcer is going to stop a guy like Torres from doing what he's doing. Sure Torres will drop his gloves but he knows most players aren't going to do that now a days so he can duck and dive all he wants. Back and the day you wouldn't be surprised of anyone dropping the gloves at anytime for the most part. And I think that there was the true deterant. People weren't off limits. Sure there were still the classic enforcer roles, but I think even then (I could be wrong) they played more than 4 minutes every 7 games. If Turris comes down and cheapshot someone, he should have to stand toe to toe with that guy and let one of them get their ass kicked and it be over. If all these players had to fight someone everytime they did a cheapshot that would create accountability. The way the league does it now is a joke, Torres kills Hossa and something is supposed to be settled by Bolig going after their enforcer? What does that solve nothing, it only reinforces that they players can do what they want because the teams pay a guy to take the punishment for their stupidity. If everytime Torres took a cheapshot he had to go toe to toe with someone like Bolig or Seabrook who has been known to drop them, or bickell or anyone else capable of fighting do you think he'd get tired of it? If Kane (not saying he does) had to fight someone every time he gave a cheap shot, don't you think he'd get awfully aware of what he was about to do? The league has somehow got it in their head that fighting is bad and something they think they can somehow manage and they've gone and fucked that up about as bad as possible.

Fighting is down, injuries are up. Welcome to the New NHL.

The problem with this is.....only certain players are going to respond to getting their asses kicked. Even when someone grabs one of these hacks and beats their ass(Torres, Cooke), they are right back at it next game. Hell, most of them just turtle when somebody comes after them anyways. Removing the instigator will help a little, but the crux of the problem is the players and lack of respect. Period. No amount of getting their ass kicked is going to instill respect in them for their fellow man.
