Man haven't ventured into FYE for a while. Hanks is my favorite actor of alltime, asking his top three is like asking my favorite Beatles song. But for now I'll go, and much like the Beatles Day in the Life, number one will always be the same.
1. Forrest Gump
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Castaway
4. Philadelphia
5. Big
6. Green Mile
7. Apollo 13
8. Road To Perdition (know a bunch of extras in the movie also)
9. A League Of Their Own
10. Turner and Hooch
As a huge WWII nerd its hard not to love the guy, he's done Band of Brothers which is quite possibly the best mini series ever, action and drama wise, The Pacific. He was in The Concert For George, presented The Band with their Lifetime Achievement Award at the Grammy's, no matter what it is Tom Hanks always is involved in something I am very into it seems like.