Not this old timer. I had 3 brothers. We would play sports, ride our bikes, go **** around in the woods or go for a 2 or 3 hour ride on our horses. The day started with feeding the horses and dogs. The day ended doing the same thing. In a good summer we would have a couple of colts to break. Every weekend we would be at horse shows or trail rides. Not much time for tv.
We did have video games though. As "graphically challenged" as they were, we still played them A LOT, but mostly at night. During the day, we were always out playing baseball, football, fishing, running around and causing trouble...
See, the difference in my childhood was there was no place to do that stuff in the area I was allowed to wander--and even the area outside of it. Couple that with literally no one my age within biking distance and what choice did I have? Go outside, cause trouble for lack of anything else to do, and end up being invariable grounded, lose myself in a book to escape my mundane reality, lose myself in a TV show to escape my mundane reality, or lose myself in a video game to escape my mundane reality. Hell, I would have given my upper left nut for a game like Pokémon go back then--even though the crotchety old-timers back then would have found some reason to ***** about it.
A lot of my peers it was the same--some didn't live near any of their other peers. But even with all of them there were times they'd during the day, get lost in Nintendo or the like. No pool nearby, no lake, no pond, no playground, etc.
This is not as a "O woe is me" post...far from it. After all the stuff that got me invariably grounded in retrospect was some of the most fun I had (like the giant slingshot I made from an old bike inner tube and a couple of as I supposed to know that they were using the hot tub at the time???). But I think it does highlight the decline of the neighborhood concept--at least from what my dad grew up in where everything was within wandering distance when he was a kid and you could open up fire hydrants
. Couple that with helicopter parents that shit their pants every time their kids are out of eyeshot and the whole, "Why don't you go play outside?" kinda falls apart. "Go outside" "And do what?" "Play with your friends" "You told me they live too far away" "They do, I don't want you biking there." "Can I go to the playground?" "No, it's too far away." And then the parents come home and wonder (a) why the kid tried to dig a swimming pool in the front lawn and (b) how they got it so deep in so little time.