I actually wrote a list over 8 years ago, I've actually completed some!
Not completed:
- Vacation in New Zealand, Germany
- Bungie jump (sounds tame, but I am terrified of heights)
- Ride Batman at Six Flags (I hate roller coasters, related to heights)
- See Packers vs Bears at Lambeau
- See the Grand Canyon
- Solve a serious crime (yes, I watch too much tv)
- Appear in a movie, even if it is as a citizen #15
- Screw someone else's girlfriend (Yup, I said it. Not a fiance or wife, since there is something to that.. but just a girlfriend? I want to do it once. Yes, I am evil)
- Have my back be entirely tattooed.
- Probably too serious but, I would love to finally have faith in an afterlife
- Vacation in Western Europe (Italy, Spain, France.. so much fun!)
- Go to the top of the Sears Tower (Willis? rofl) and look down from the skydeck (look above at fear of heights)
- Run (rather jog, walk, jog, walk, jog, walk, etc.) a 5k marathon
- Have a 3-some with 2 girls
- Have a 4-some with 3 girls (man... college was cool)
- Visit Lambeau Field
- Skate with the Blackhawks (At Seven Bridges Ice Arena, years ago during the Roenick, Chelios days. Man, that was awesome!)