This is fair warning. My 10 year old does 500 push-ups a day 5 days a week. He is in speed training pushing weighted carts 3xweek and just got him a speed bag because he wants to start boxing training next month. The lil guy is lethal. His discipline and confidence is unparraleled amongst his peers. Basically dude is
@clenbuterol_clint but fully natty and a third his age (and not a multimillionaire yet)
speed bag is okay i guess. Helps burn the shoulders... id get a double end bag over over a speed bag first just for the technical applications and speed/timing etc. they cheap look into one.
500 push ups a day is great.. 300 push up and 300 sit up min. also buy the kid a decent jump rope.. cheap.. he needs to do rounds of that. punching is good, but more important than that, is footwork.. if he aint going to a boxing specific gym, find footwork drills on line. AND run.. 3ks to start.. oh he 10, maybe a 1/2-1 mile to start and 1/3rd push ups and sit ups.. mix in sprints 3x a week.. hills preferable
also get a bat instead of nunchakus.. less margin of error