White Sox Fan/Cubs Hater Comes In Peace With Serious Question


Nov 4, 2012
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I've been hearing rumors about the Cubs looking to extend Samardzija to a far more expensive contract than the Sox signed Chris Sale and was curious what Cubs fans think of this? I remember the Buerhle - Wood debate back in the day. While Mark has had the more successful career, that was at least a fair argument in the early days, because Wood's stuff was unreal, and Buerhle's, well, was pedestrian. And I know the Cubs org always seems to fall in love with power pitchers, even in the presence of huge red flags (like Wood's mechanics and Zambrano's slight personality issues). But Sale's stuff is absolutely filthy, and he's proven, whereas Samardzija, regardless of his timed fastball, has been inconsistent at best (not to mention 5 years older than Sale). Do most Cubs fans want him signed to a lengthy contract based on potential, or would they prefer to see him walk? Because I honestly think you're far better off dumping him for whatever you can get, or letting a desperate team sign him to a bad deal.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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I've been hearing rumors about the Cubs looking to extend Samardzija to a far more expensive contract than the Sox signed Chris Sale and was curious what Cubs fans think of this? I remember the Buerhle - Wood debate back in the day. While Mark has had the more successful career, that was at least a fair argument in the early days, because Wood's stuff was unreal, and Buerhle's, well, was pedestrian. And I know the Cubs org always seems to fall in love with power pitchers, even in the presence of huge red flags (like Wood's mechanics and Zambrano's slight personality issues). But Sale's stuff is absolutely filthy, and he's proven, whereas Samardzija, regardless of his timed fastball, has been inconsistent at best (not to mention 5 years older than Sale). Do most Cubs fans want him signed to a lengthy contract based on potential, or would they prefer to see him walk? Because I honestly think you're far better off dumping him for whatever you can get, or letting a desperate team sign him to a bad deal.

Agree 100%. Take the deal if it is right heading forward. Not that he is old, but he is no kid either. It's time to replace him with youthful pitching. I would take my chances that with what they could get in return for Shark, coupled with any of the following of Edwards, Hendricks, Ramirez, Johnson, Viscaino, (Wood currently), Arrieta, Grimm, Rusin, Beeler, Blackburn, Black, and whomever they are able to draft in the next couple of years, that they would be able to top what Shark can give the team. Not to mention a possible free agent acquisition.

It looks as if the Cubs should be able to net at least 3-4 pitchers with currently what they have in house. They will have to tweak it to net an ace or two TOR pitchers, but the creativity of a trade could do just that.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2012
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I've been hearing rumors about the Cubs looking to extend Samardzija to a far more expensive contract than the Sox signed Chris Sale and was curious what Cubs fans think of this? I remember the Buerhle - Wood debate back in the day. While Mark has had the more successful career, that was at least a fair argument in the early days, because Wood's stuff was unreal, and Buerhle's, well, was pedestrian. And I know the Cubs org always seems to fall in love with power pitchers, even in the presence of huge red flags (like Wood's mechanics and Zambrano's slight personality issues). But Sale's stuff is absolutely filthy, and he's proven, whereas Samardzija, regardless of his timed fastball, has been inconsistent at best (not to mention 5 years older than Sale). Do most Cubs fans want him signed to a lengthy contract based on potential, or would they prefer to see him walk? Because I honestly think you're far better off dumping him for whatever you can get, or letting a desperate team sign him to a bad deal.

To me it's as simple as the fact that Shark is going to be 29. He may have next to no miles on his arm but I really don't see that meaning his peak will be from 32-35 vs the typical 27-32. That's not to say Shark doesn't have value but I honestly think he has more trade value than he does to the cubs long term. His age range just doesn't match with the rest of the younger guys unless he turns into a sub 3.25 ERA guy this year and even then I'd question the timing. That being said, you really need to get 2 quality pitcher in order to make trading him worth while. Not necessarily two TOR pitchers but like 2 guys who are in the 2/3 range otherwise you really are risking trading him for very little given the flame out rate on pitchers.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Right now. Hold onto him until he hits F/A then extend him a Q offer if he is worth the 14 mil to retain.

The Cubs need to move past phase 1 of reload and need to move into phase II In putting a product on the field.

Trading 200 IP for a few reload pieces is just pushing back the time line. They have no replacement of his IP right now and as it is they are putting out 1 replacement player into the rotation. Moving shark makes it 2 guys getting a job undeserved.

That gets old fast.

But I would let him pitch this year. If he again worse than Wood I would lowball him with a extention. At that point the youth move would be in effect. If he wants out at that point and the return offers suck then tough titties. Sit on him and get a Q offer. He is not above what better starters have been dealing with.

If he doesn't want to go through the hassle the sign a extention and don't demand a no trade. He has not earned that respect.

On Sale. He is a top 10 SP right now. You give him what he wants. Worrying about what could happen is stupid. He gets hurt then deal with it at that point.

That is what insurance is for.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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I've been hearing rumors about the Cubs looking to extend Samardzija to a far more expensive contract than the Sox signed Chris Sale and was curious what Cubs fans think of this? I remember the Buerhle - Wood debate back in the day. While Mark has had the more successful career, that was at least a fair argument in the early days, because Wood's stuff was unreal, and Buerhle's, well, was pedestrian. And I know the Cubs org always seems to fall in love with power pitchers, even in the presence of huge red flags (like Wood's mechanics and Zambrano's slight personality issues). But Sale's stuff is absolutely filthy, and he's proven, whereas Samardzija, regardless of his timed fastball, has been inconsistent at best (not to mention 5 years older than Sale). Do most Cubs fans want him signed to a lengthy contract based on potential, or would they prefer to see him walk? Because I honestly think you're far better off dumping him for whatever you can get, or letting a desperate team sign him to a bad deal.

I want him signed.

This team is already a bottom barrel team about to fight the 03 tigers for 119 losses. Losing your best starter finds a way to make you worse than you already are.

Don't look at Shark like he's an old timer with mileage on his arm. He's not. To me he's an 07 or 08 car with 30k miles on it. Not 100k+ multiple trips to the mechanics shop to constantly fix him up. So age isn't a factor to me.

Shark is not elite. He's not glitzy. The world doesn't flock to him on television when he pitches. But he's the best they got. If I were him, I wouldn't change a thing. Demand the no-trade. Your friends are getting shipped off left and right, the front office says they want to keep you. I dont think SHark will take big money, I don't think he wants to. I think he wants peace of mind.

Its on the cubs and Theo. If this is truly someone you want for your future and you're serious about wanting to keep him, you give him the no trade and you make him part of your rotation.

The cubs wont. I suspect Shark will be on another team come July/August unless he gets hurt, and I expect a spun PR story from the cubs about why it was the smart move when they get nothing in return and it sets the cubs back another 2 years.


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
The catch 22 is that, while Samardzija is far from elite, he's consistent enough to offer 180-200 innings and has proven to be healthy for the duration of his career. He's miscast in the Cubs rotation as an ace simply based off of need, much like Matt Garza was. I feel like the Cubs got a great haul for Garza and could expect something similar for Samardzija if he were to be dealt. The problem is a guy with his credentials is going to get somewhere between $14 and $18 million a season. That's what quality, run-of-the-mill #3 pitchers go for on the open market, especially ones without injury concerns.

In my eyes, he's always had a lower ceiling and a higher floor, just based on consistency but Kyle Hendricks isn't quite ready for the bigs -- ditto for CJ Edwards and Pierce Johnson. And I'm not a firm beleiver that Rusin or Arrieta will provide you with equal performance in Samardzija's abscence. So, if you're asking me if I'd deal Samardzija, I'd say yes. But only if the return was equal or greater to what you got for Garza. As of right now, I think he's more valuable in a Cubs uniform then as a trade piece, simply based on timing issues with the top-rated Cubs minor league pitchers.
