Spare me your comment that "this has been explained to me before", like you are some baseball expert or something. You are not. I do know how to put a line-up together having played and later coached for a long long time. A good line-up needs a "balance" of left handed hitting and right handed hitting. Especially in the age of "specialization" of the relief corps. To deny it is silly.
I think though you don't need every single piece in a rebuild. Its actually good to have some flexibility, and overload at a couple positions which we appear to have in the outfield/middle infield. Then Hahn can make some big trades and pull in those fine tune adjustments like a power lefty, ace starter, closer and
I think maybe in master plans of rebuilds those guys look at fine tuning as something to be done last, you kind of just get the highest value assets you can and grow them, then see what you got and tweak/trade to a complete roster at the end, after you have made your final push free agency moves to the holes and seen what lines up out their in the FA world.
I'm confident they have enough assets now to have actual fruit in 2019-21, but many moves are yet to be made. Its not a sure thing, more positive maneuvers and luck will have to win out. Especially player development.
I'm still going to argue to the end we had 12-24 more months before we gave up on that core and sent Quintana/Sale away. There was plenty of time to get back desperate payment in the future for them, and you don't quit on two ace playoff potential.
But they quit on that run, and its done. They have done well with the moves, so its at least forgiven and agree to disagree. But I think the argument here, is between Brett who is rightfully optimistic, given the ranking of the farm team.
And I also think myself and Hawk are rightfully pessimistic to an extent, and express the tension of another angle, that a bird in hand is worth a dozen in the bush.
So it is our nature to remain more reserved, and accept the real possibility that this rebuild attempt fails and we don't see the playoffs for 10 years, or even lose the team to another city, or whatever.
There is reason to wring our hands, and reason to breathe deep, its over, its done, they have moved on and are trying to rebuild. I applaud the job they are doing with it so far. Good luck and may the right players and organization wisdom guide these next 2-3 delicate years.